Monday, February 17, 2014

Day 46 ~ Skid Row

Day 46 ~ Skid Row

Feb 15, 2014

My first: I did “donuts” with my car on an icy country lane.

I was coming home from my son’s house on a country road called Roachtown Road. I had every intention of finding a field to perform “donuts” with my car...something I had never done before…intentionally. Most of us have had the unfortunate experience of our cars skidding out of our control on a wintry or rainy day. Not fun!

On the other hand, when you’re goal is to spin out, it’s a blast! I found this country lane and decided that this was the venue for my “first” adventure of the day. I made the left turn and went a piece ways up the lane. I turned my car around (not necessarily a 3-point turn) so I could make a quick getaway if I had to.  I then started swerving my car left and right. Just call me Starsky or Hutch! But you can put the coffee away because there was no actual donut “swerved” that night. I was a little apprehensive because the lane was too narrow for me to do a total 360 without the possibility of going into the field. I was fearful (there’s that F-word) of getting stuck on the sides of the lane. My 15 year old Honda CRV is great in the winter weather, but my mind was “stuck” with visions of me being stranded on that country lane at night in the freezing cold. Or worse yet, being arrested or shot at for trespassing. After all, I was being “bad”! How does that OneRepublic song go? “Everything that kills me makes me feel alive”. I felt alive and a bit like a teenager…for those 15 minutes.

And on my drive home, I was flying high with a smile on my face. It was my very own “Saturday Night Live”. 

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