Thursday, February 27, 2014

Day 55 ~ Break Time

Day 55 ~ Break Time

Feb 24, 2014 

My first: At a gas station, I gave a strange man (who was having issues with his old car) $20 cash.

When I was on my way to my friend’s house in Troy, IL, I decided to go to a gas station and give someone $20 to help them get to where they’re going.

I walked up to a man about in his mid to late 30s. He was adding anti-freeze to his car while filling up with gas. (It looked like he needed a break.) I told him "Please don't think I'm crazy". Then I proceeded to tell him my name was Mary as I held out a $20 dollar bill. I said “This is to help you get to where you’re going…I hope that it's a good place”. He said it is because he's going home. I asked where his home was and he said that it wasn't far from the station. I said "great".  I asked his name as I was walking away and he said "David" and then he added "Don't worry, I will pay it forward". I smiled and kept walking to my car. He got it!

I couldn't help but wonder on my way to my friend’s house if David was thinking about that strange woman with the ball cap who, out of the blue, gave him 20 bucks. Is he wondering what brought me to that point of handing a stranger my hard-earned money? Could he tell that I am not made of money? I will never know where this moment of giving has lead, but I can only hope that my gesture keeps giving.

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