Thursday, February 27, 2014

Day 57 ~ Pace Yourself

Day 57 ~ Pace Yourself

Feb 26, 2014 

My first: By pulling over onto the shoulder of the highway, I let a driver who was tailgating me pass me by.

I was driving (long after “going home traffic” rush hour) on a highway to Troy IL. As often is the case, the car behind me was following way too close. You can always tell this when all you can see in your rearview mirror are their headlights.

I kept on driving but was getting more and more irritated as I always do with tailgaters.  I was talking to a friend on the phone which kind of helped me to keep my mind off this so-and-so that was in such an all-fired hurry.

Then I had one of those “first for the day” moments and did something that I have only thought about doing up until now. There it was…my “irritation relief” opportunity right there on the side of the road. It was this unusually large shoulder for people having car trouble. Well, I was in a car having people trouble. Close enough for me! I carefully veered over to the shoulder that was calling my name and let this hellion speed on by…and speed on by he (or she) did.

Sometimes you just have to let them pass you by and not get your panties in an uproar about it. Then you just move on and continue going at your own pace and your own volition. 

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