Thursday, October 9, 2014

Day 271 ~ Jumpstart Sunday

September 28, 2014

My Instead: I did a science experiment for Annette with water, pepper and dish soap.

You just never know what you’re going to discover on Facebook. One of my friends posted a link showing how to do various experiments with water. Instead of getting busy with my day, I watched all eight videos demonstrating the experiments. I thought that those would be fun to do with my grandkids some time...and left it at that.
So anyway, this Sunday morning rolled around after our big day Saturday at the St. Charles Oktoberfest. I wasn’t stiff or sore from my bungee experience and was rip-roarin’ ready to go paint my mom’s fence with Annette. The weather was perfect for painting and I needed to get this done before it decided to rain again. Annette and I had breakfast (that she made while I blogged). Suddenly, the idea of one of those experiments popped into my head. I thought Annette would get a kick out of it, so I quickly prepared the countertop with the necessary materials.  
While my memory served me, I filled a bowl of water and sprinkled black pepper into it. I asked Annette to stick her finger into the middle of the bowl of water. Nothing happened. She dried her finger off and then I doused it with dish soap. I instructed her to stick her finger into the middle of the water bowl again. The pepper scattered to the outer periphery of the bowl like a crowded dance floor clears for me when I’m out there dancing! Okay, that may be a bit exaggerated, but you know what I mean. Annette was amazed and amused…just was I was going for!
It just took a few moments, but it jumpstarted our Sunday with a sprinkle of fun. Turns out, painting Mom’s fence was more enjoyable for us (and Mom) than what we thought it would be.


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