Monday, October 20, 2014

Day 279 ~ Stick ‘Em Up

October 6, 2014

My Instead: We all played pick-up sticks after my daughter-in law’s birthday dinner.

My daughter-in-law Shaundra turned 36 back on September 19th. Finally, after the upheaval of their moving to their new house, we were able to schedule an evening for me to host her birthday dinner. I prepared a huge salad, a new chicken casserole dish that I had never made before, and a Texas sheet cake that I had never attempted before either.
Seemingly always behind schedule these days, my girlfriend Annette helped me with the preparation for Shaundra’s dinner by cleaning up the house and setting the table. I, on the other hand, labored in the kitchen getting this three-course meal underway and done. As usual, Annette and I finished right as they were walking in the door. They were all "starving" so I think the meal seemed to taste better than what it actually did.
After our feast, I said I had a game to introduce that ALL of us could play and (hopefully) enjoy. I had bought a can of Pick-Up Sticks when I was at that hobby shop on my little Farmington excursion a few days earlier. I had not played this game since I was a kid and I was ready to get started!
Abbey, my adventurous one, was rip-roarin’ and ready to play! I “spilled" the sticks onto the table and we took our turns picking out the individual sticks without disturbing any of the surrounding sticks. Of course, the rules got juggled during the course of the game, but we eventually agreed on some of our own rules…gotta make it easy for the kids, right?
It was a nice little breakaway from the usual agenda of one of my kids' birthday dinners. We got to interact with one another, argue playfully, laugh, and always love. And it all happened over a pile of wooden sticks. 
Isaac's Turn!

Andy's Turn!

Mom's Turn!

Annette's Turn!

My Turn!

Daddy's Turn!

Abbey's Turn!

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