Saturday, October 25, 2014

Day 284 ~ Sock Drop

October 11, 2014

My Instead: My grandchildren, Abbey and Andy, and I played "sock drop" down the laundry shoot and Abbey and I had an art contest.

October is winery month in the Midwest and my son and daughter-in-law wanted to soak up the autumn air and sip the sangria. Having just labored the last 4 months building their new home, they were well deserving of some “ahhhh” time. And guess what! I get to have my grandchildren, Abbey and Andy! Even though I had plenty to do to prepare for my photo entry at a holiday boutique, I opted to be with them. They are the treasure right now in my life and I have no other choice but to cherish these moments. They ARE my choice!
After I picked them up and we got back to my house, I had a special activity planned: a sock drop contest down my laundry chute. They both know the magic of the laundry chute…drop an object down and it magically appears on the floor of my laundry room below. This kind of “ordinary wonderment” is what makes being a kid such a marvel. They know how to experience life and its simple moments. Andy got to go first with the drop and Abbey with the catch. Giggles were passed through the chute as well. Andy thought he was the bomb with his aim, but Abbey was an ace with her catches. When Andy went down yonder, he needed a little assistance with his catches. I finally had to lift him onto the dryer where Abbey was almost handing him the socks! They had a blast.
When the newness wore off of that little adventure, Abbey suggested having an art contest. Each of us drew a picture and then Abbey, the judge, rendered her critique on each and announced the winner. Don’t ask me how she arrived at her numbers, but I won with 19 points. Abbey had 18.
The afternoon continued on with play and laughter. Eventually, my photo project was completed in the days following, but the memory and the joy of my day with these two little people fills me up. And, incidentally, laundry isn’t such a chore anymore.


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