Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Day 268 ~ Another Mother

September 25, 2014

My Instead: I went to court with my daughter Robin for her to get legal guardianship of Danny, her son’s friend.

My grandson Tyler has had a best friend for several years now. His name is Danny. Earlier this year, Danny’s uncle (his guardian) was having trouble keeping up financially, which meant that the household was not very livable. My daughter Robin stepped in and said that Danny should not have to live like that. She took Danny in.
Months passed and it became evident to Robin that she was going to have to do something more permanent because there was absolutely “no light at the end of the tunnel” at Danny’s previous home. On her own, Robin contacted an attorney and started proceedings to become Danny’s legal guardian. As the court date drew near, she called to update me. She also needed me to keep Danny at my house the morning of, so she could just pick him up from my house at 8:30. I said that would work out fine because my first job was at 9 o’clock.
As the day approached, an impulse came over me “to be there”. To make sure that Robin even wanted me there, I called her first. She said it wasn’t necessary, but it was fine if I wanted to. Good enough for me…she is a big girl, after all! I called my clients and shifted my schedule a bit and all was good to go.
Robin dropped Danny off around 7 a.m. before she went to work and he and I got to enjoy some alone time. As I am prone to do, I reminded him of what his responsibility was in this whole scenario. He understood that he just had to do his best to be a good kid…and so far he has! Robin got back to my house and the three of us went to the St. Clair County Courthouse. Her attorney arrived a little late as he had warned he might. The two of them approached the bench and stood before the judge…and it was decided!
After Robin completed some paperwork and we took some commemorative photos, we walked back to our cars. I asked her how she felt. She said it felt like a “huge weight had been lifted off” her. No, I did not say what my half-bitten tongue wanted to say. I simply said “this is the beginning”. She nodded and agreed.
My baby girl took on the responsibility of another mother’s child that day. There are no words to describe how proud Robin’s mother feels about her daughter. None.



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