Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Day 119 ~ "Meadowtate"

Apr 29, 2014     

My instead: I meditated outside in a meadow at dusk.

After a long hard day, I got home, ate supper, and then got myself up-to-date on Facebook. It had been a while since I had spent so much time on Facebook…but now I am totally “connected” with the world again. Right…

The evening passed quickly. It was 8:00 and time to do my “first”! A chilly night was on tap so I got some sweats on and a windbreaker jacket. There was a clearing on the edge of my neighborhood that I would describe as a meadow…the only meadow that I know of around here. I drove to the cul-de-sac near there and then walked with my blanket into the woods in search of said meadow. I stepped over a baby creek and got one of my feet soaked…no big deal…I’m on a mission.  Following a path of mown grass, I finally came to an opening that would soon be transformed into my “meadowtation” spot.

I laid my blanket out and then took a photo with my phone. Then I took one of me…too dark though. Then another…then another. Okay, enough! Time to become “one with the universe” or something like that. I hadn’t meditated for a while, so I was a little rusty at quieting my mind. Plus the evening sounds were kind of distracting, if not somewhat scary. One of the sounds I heard sounded like a coyote panting…not that I’d ever heard one pant, but if I had…

As I closed my eyes, I felt the wind and listened to the evening’s serenade. “What a difference!” I thought (I know, I know, I’m not supposed to be thinking). Connecting on Facebook with so many “friends” and now TRYING (I hate that word) to connect with just one person, ME! Why is that so much tougher?

Okay, beating myself up was not going to get me anywhere. I gave myself a break and just let me be in the moment...not going to be docked any meditation points for that, right? I opened my eyes and looked all around enjoying the solitude and serenity. I was in no hurry to leave that moment except for one thing. I had no flashlight and I was concerned that I would not be able to navigate my way out of there. Best to stop and get back to civilization while I could still find it!

When I got back to my house, I was thankful again that my home always feels like my haven...but the “pause” in that meadow beats "any port in a storm".






Monday, April 28, 2014

Day 118 ~ The Day’s on Me

Apr 28, 2014     

My first: I took a day when I could have worked and instead helped a friend in need.

Yes, I’ve helped plenty of friends with various projects, such as, moving, digging a swimming pool, putting up fences, hanging ceiling fans, etc…all free of charge. But all these acts of kindness had been done during my free time, of which I HAD plenty of.

On this particular Monday, I had plenty of work to do. One yard needed mulching and bushes trimmed and another needed mowing and weed eating. My sister was in need of ceiling lights and shelving to be installed. But my longtime friend Maureen was up to her ears in stress and completely inundated with a list of “to dos” to get ready for her move. And to exacerbate the “cluster”, her back pain shows up continually as an uninvited guest each day.

I offered a hand to help out with whatever she needed to get done. She was excited and grateful for my offer. I met her in St. Louis at her old apartment and loaded boxes in my car. I took her out to lunch, my treat. She wanted to pay since I was helping her, but I said “the day’s on me”.

When we got to her new place in Alton, I unloaded all the boxes from my car and then hung five sets of blinds. The day was long but it felt good to be a help to someone who I’ve love for 25 years and who really, really needed me. Money is no match to the feeling you get from doing an appreciated act of kindness. My work will be there tomorrow…


Sunday, April 27, 2014

Day 117 ~ 5 Bucks is 5 Bucks

Apr 27, 2014     

My first: I returned to Home Depot to get the corrected purchase price and also my 5% discount.

It was a Sunday and as Sundays go, it was NOT my day of rest. I had lots of winter clean-up work to do in my yard. My lawnmowers needed oil and my weed eater needed string. A little Round-Up weed killer was on the list too if the price was right. Another trip to Home Depot was the first thing on the agenda.

When I got to the hardware store, I found everything I was looking for with the help of a nice little gal that works there. The Round-Up was on sale for $7.47 (was $11.47) so I grabbed a gallon jug of that. Ready to check out, I made my way to the cashier. She asked if I wanted to use my Home Depot card and I said I would pay cash.  When I realized that I was spending a little more than anticipated, I changed my mind and said I would use my card (to get the 5% discount). No problem. After she rang me up, I asked to see what price the Round-Up had rung up as to be sure I was getting the sale price. I knew computer pricing is not always updated. And that was the case! The price rung up as $10.87, not the sale price of $7.47 nor the original price of $11.47. I thought a while and said don’t worry about it. I was in a hurry to get home and get as much done as I could before the predicted storms hit.

For the heck of it, I asked the cashier what my discount was since I used my card instead of cash. Because I did not ask for the discount, she did not give it to me. She said if I wanted it, I would have to go to customer service inside. Again, I said don’t worry about it. I had to get home and get my stuff done!

As I loaded my car and drove to the parking lot’s exit, I thought about the estimated $5 I paid unnecessarily because of these two “don’t worry about its” uttered from my very own mouth! I was more mad at me than anyone at Home Depot for not opening my mouth from the beginning…insuring the 5% discount would be applied and verifying the sale price for the weed killer before it was too late.

5 buck is 5 bucks. It’s as important for ME to reap the benefits of honesty, just as much as it is for any store. I called Home Depot’s customer service from the parking lot and then went inside to get the whole ticket credited and re-entered correctly. My bill went from $38.70 to $33.27. Mission and my “first” for the day accomplished!

There was a rain shower at my house while I was away on my little errand, but it did not thwart plans of getting my yard mowed, weed wacked and cleaned up from the winter’s relentless ravage. As a bonus, my grandson Tyler came over at 5:00 and helped with the last bit of clean-up. The essence of a good day (for me) is its simplicity…why be greedy!

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Day 116 ~ A Star is Born?

Apr 26, 2014     

My first: I did an audition for a small part in a real live movie.

My friend Steve told me about an upcoming audition for small roles in a Christmas movie called “Expect Delays”. The movie was going to be partially filmed in Belleville.  I was like all over it! That would be a great “first”! I have done some performing in the past doing comedy acts as an old bag lady and a frustrated stripper. I’m not a stranger to getting up in front of people and making a “spectacle” of myself, but I have never been on an audition.

I did the research about the movie, the audition, and its rules and restrictions. I printed out the application and completed it, then I got one of my favorite photos of me. Now the hard part…what 30 second monologue would I create and perform? I racked my 61-year-old brain searching for the optimum “skit” to show off my talents. I finally decided on telling the story about my 1978 Christmas, my best ever. I had written letters (by hand) to each person in my family that were filled with my best loving memory of each of them. But for this skit I also made the correlation between the incidental transfer of information we do with texting, tweeting, emailing, etc. versus the real power of the “written word”.

I practiced and practiced. Then I set my alarm for 6:00 a.m. to practice some more.  I was pressed and prepared for my big moment…my 30 seconds of fame.

I went to the Lincoln Theater where the auditions were held and stood in line next to a young woman. Her name was Ally and as we compared our personal information, we found out we were distantly related…small world. We were corralled into the foyer and then given our respective numbers. Eventually, a group of us prospective “stars” were led backstage in the main theater. I was first in line so it was MY turn! I did my thing and I remember the lead actor saying “That was really good”. They had me do it over and seemed very interested in my story and also the correlation with the lame texting that most of us are guilty of.

When all of us backstage had completed our acts, we were free to go. I was on a high. I felt like I had opened a door. Now to wait and see what’s inside. Maybe it’s empty…maybe not.

As a side note, I took my mom to the theater at noon to see the first movie they filmed here called “Belleville”. The director that saw my audition earlier came up to me at the ticket counter and said that I did a really good job and that I had a good story. I was elated. He and I talked after the movie as well. Did I make an impression? Yes. Memorable? We’ll see…

Day 115 ~ The Good Stuff

Apr 25, 2014     

My first: I visited my mom to give her the good news from mammogram.

I got a letter from the Memorial Hospital where I recently had a mammogram done that informed me of the positive results. The first sentence contained the magic words “no features of cancer”.  I kept reading it over and over and wondered how many women have read this same sentence without that powerful word “no”.

A few days after I received the letter, I decided to go visit my mom and give her the good news in person…for her to hear and to read the words herself. Did she think that I was bringing her bad news? You know, I really don’t think she thought about the possibility of cancer.  But there was a possibility.

We sat and talked for a while. She always appreciates a visit. Living alone after being with my dad for 63 years just does not suit her, but she’s handling it. But I had things to do and she had places to go so I made my way to my car. We stood in the driveway and I gave her a warm hug. I said the reason I delivered the news in person was to remind her that good things are still happening in our lives. Of course, there’s plenty of the bad and sad stuff too, but why give those SO much attention! The good stuff is so much better instead…

Day 114 ~ Free Ride

Apr 24, 2014     

My first: I rode my bike in the pouring rain.

The evening drizzle was teasing the pavement.  My mission was to take a bike ride in a pouring rain…not a drizzle. I kept gazing out my kitchen window to see if it was really going to let loose. I finally gave up the wait and hit the streets.

The drops hit my face alerting me to what was about to come, a downpour. It started coming down pretty good when I saw kids having enough sense to head for cover.  Before it really pummeled me, I asked one of the boys, Luke, to take my photo which he kindly obliged. Then I rode past the other kids and jokingly asked “what are you guys doin’ out here in this weather?” They laughed.

The free flowing rain was slowing giving birth to a full blown storm. And I kept riding. I took the long way around the subdivision to take it all in. Cars were passing me by, either on their way home or on their way out for the evening. I’ve done THAT before…but now I was doing something instead. Call me crazy? They probably did. I call it free to be free.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Day 113 ~ Leftovers Again?

Apr 23, 2014     

My first: I wore an “Ultimate Body Applicator” from "It Works" on my abdomen overnight.

My daughter Robin is a distributor for “It Works! Global” products. “It Works! Global” is one of the fastest-growing consumer lifestyle, health and skincare direct sales companies. She decided to become one of their independent distributors a few months ago. I attended her “launch” party and won a body wrap.

It was time to experiment with this winning body wrap (The Ultimate Body Applicator) and just see what it could do! My daughter says a full treatment is 4 separate wrap applications, but I was the lucking winner of only one of them. So one it was! As directed by Robin, I showered and exfoliated my tummy as best I could. Then I placed the unfolded wrap onto my abdomen and secured it with some shrink wrap I had lying around. It reminded me of that one joke of when the housewife greeted her husband at the door wrapped only in Saran Wrap. And his comment to her was “What…leftovers again?”

Anyway, I thought of my well-earned stretch marks from carrying three children or the little hanging skin created by that relentless pull of gravity. Would I lose part of my identity if all this disappears? Well, better to lose this identity than my e-identity!

I really liked the feeling of the wrap’s infused formula…kind of felt like Ben-Gay. I slept well. The next morning I unwrapped my little Buddha belly and took my usual photographs. I studied my belly and the pictures searching for some awesome results. I think my belly skin did shrink somewhat, but maybe it was just the lighting! All I know is…I won’t be entering bikini contests anytime soon. But that’s okay…I NEVER did have a bikini body…and the world has not ended because of it.


Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Day 112 ~ Constellation Prize

Apr 22, 2014     
My first:  I prepared to witness the Lyrid meteor showers on April 22, 2014 at 3:00 in the morning.
The alarm on my phone was set for 2:45 a.m. I awoke intermittently before the set time fearing that I wouldn’t hear it go off. When the bugle sounded, I was up! I got the camera, tripod and myself in the car and left the neighborhood for darker pastures.
I drove and I drove. I found a short blocked off driveway hidden behind brush that I backed my car into. I was busy getting settled in my star gazing spot when an uneasiness came over me. I felt alone in the gloom. I was out of there!
After more roaming around the countryside, I noticed a road off highway 159 and turned around to take that route. Omg! It had potholes all over like a minefield. I strategically maneuvered my 15 year old Honda to miss most of them without breaking an axle. The road veered around a farmhouse and then trailed off into a field. Then it stopped…right in the middle of this field. I had to turn my car around in case I had to make a quick getaway.
I soon discovered that bringing my camera was pointless. So I just lay on the hood of my car waiting for the show to begin…and waiting. A cool wind blew all around me as my mind mused more than usual. And I waited. Then there it was! Not the meteor shower I had anticipated but a single shooting star…straight above me. My first thought was “Thanks, Dad”. It was two years that my dad had passed away. I’m sure he had arranged for my star!
The night’s morning surrounded me as I continued to gaze upward hoping for more of a show. I was disappointed that this scheduled meteor “shower” shrunk down to a mere “raindrop”. But in the same breath, I was thrilled with my little shooting star. Perhaps it was even more special as a symbol of Dad’s still being in my life.
I drove out of this desolate field, pass the farmhouse and through the pothole “minefield”. After I turned onto Ross Lane heading to my house, I saw some deer getting ready to cross the road right in front of me. I stopped as they sauntered across to the grassy field on the other side. They stood there, all four of them, looking at me as if they were posing and waiting for me to get my camera out. So I did! I may not have gotten the star spectacle I wanted earlier, but these guys were my constellation prize.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Day 111 ~ “iPhonics”

Apr 21, 2014  
My first:  I held a 45 minute “learn about your iPhone” session with a 92 year old man.
My friend Norman had just gotten a new iPhone from his son and was showing me how fancy it was.  The things he was “teaching” me were obviously the basics that his son had taught him. He was showing off his “favorite” phone contacts of which I was one, but the teacher in me wanted to demonstrate more of what his phone could do…come on, it’s an iPhone!
I had about 3 hours of work to do at his house, but I wanted to take time to make him feel more comfortable with his new toy. I would show him how to do something, then ask him to do what I just did. After all, most of us learn best by DOING. In comparison, he builds rubber band powered model airplanes. I explained that I could “watch” him build 20 airplanes and still not be able to build one myself. He eventually would have to say to me “now sit your butt down here and do one!” He laughed.    
I texted his son in Florida to get the password so I could hook Norman up with Google. His son texted back saying that was “way over the top” for what his dad could manage. Now I understand that there would be a learning curve that Norman would have to get around, but so what! Give the guy a chance! I wanted so much for him to experience something new. Wonder where I got that notion from! His son sounded pretty adamant about not giving Norman any more than he could handle. Oh, well. I’m not taking on the role of buttinski.
Later when Norman came back from his breakfast outing, he thanked me again for taking the time to teach him more about his phone. I told him to express what I had done for him to his son. My intentions were honorable… to help Norman and to educate him. He has a brain! Why do younger people forget that?
I hope as I grow older (and older) that the “youngsters” in my world respect me enough to challenge me so that I realize my potential and serve my purpose…until the end.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Day 110 ~ Fear Not

Day 110 ~ Fear Not
Apr 20, 2014     
My first: I attended mass on Easter Sunday with my mother.
The last time I attended mass on Easter Sunday with my mom was when I was a kid and my dad and three brothers were along. My little sister, who is 16 years younger than I, was probably there too in her prettiest little Easter dress.
I woke up in plenty of time to make it to 8:00 mass, but really had no prior intention of going. My jumbled morning thoughts slowly fell into place like a game of Tetris and it was clear to me what I would be doing after my coffee. I got ready in my usual rushed fashion…is there any other way? I raced over to my mom’s house which is 5 minutes or less from mine. She was backing out of her garage as I got out of my car and stood by her window. I said “I’m going with you” and I saw the immediate delight on her face.
The mass was like masses generally are, but the church was more crowded than usual on this Easter Sunday. The sermon was about the fears that we all have, but the priest pointed out to us that Easter is our reminder to “fear not for I (Jesus) am with you”. I nudged my mom at the end of the homily because she should be heeding this advice. She whispered that all mothers fear. I said “not this one” pointing to myself.  Never mind...it's a long story...don't want to go there.
The lineup to receive communion seemed unending, but it was nice seeing so many old familiar faces. I received the host and then went to sip the wine which I never do, but I thought I would go for the whole works. As I grabbed the chalice, I remembered my “no alcohol” resolution for 2014. Uh-oh. I couldn't beat myself up about it too horribly because, after all, it was a symbol of Christ’s blood.
At the end of the service, Mom and I walked to the parking lot to find our respective cars. She was heading to Hardee’s to meet her friends and I was heading to my son’s house to paint for the rest of the day. Of course, I had to take a “selfie” to commemorate our mass and our moment.

Day 109 ~ “Unafoidable”

Day 109 ~ “Unafoidable”  
Apr 19, 2014     
My first: I applied for a Firearms Owner Identification card (FOID).
My friend Marsha is very supportive and enthusiastic about the “firsts” that I am doing this year. The last time that we went out with a group of friends she excitedly said “I know something you can do for a first!” She had just gone to the Edwardsville Gun Club and done some clay skeet shooting. Now I am NOT a gun person at all, but this sounded very different and kind of fun.  She said that I would need a FOID card in order to be able to do this. FOID card? What’s that?
A week or two later I called the Edwardsville Gun Club to ask about this ordeal of acquiring a FOID card. The man I talked to said that they have guns there that I can borrow to shoot with without a FOID card…but I need a FOID card to purchase their ammunition...or I can bring my own ammunition…but I would probably need a FOID card to purchase it from whatever store I chose...and if I get caught with ammunition in my car without a FOID card, I would really be in trouble with the law. I said that it sounds like getting a FOID card is “unafoidable”. He laughed.
It was time to go on line and complete the FOID application.  I entered all the information and printed it out. I taped a recent photo of me to the form, signed it, and wrote a $10 check. The sealed envelope with the form and check inside were ready for the mailman in the morning.
I’ve heard and read that there are a lot of FOID applications to be processed by the Illinois State Police so it may be months until I get my card. This adventure of clay skeet shooting could be on hold for quite a while. But that’s okay; I’ve waited this long...


Saturday, April 19, 2014

Day 108 ~ A Real Time Saver

Day 108 ~ A Real Time Saver
Apr 18, 2014     
My first: My grandson Tyler and I prepared and buried a time capsule.
It was the night for me to help my mom peel potatoes for her potato salad that she always makes for our Easter feast. Since my dad’s passing, she likes for me to be there so his void is not so painful. My daughter Robin brought my grandson Tyler over to join in and to spend the night with me. Mom and I had a good time chatting with Tyler once we got him off the kick of talking about his victories (and defeats) playing GTA, #Grand Theft Auto (a video game). Tyler told me to insert the hashtag (#).
When Tyler and I left to go to my house, I told him that I still had to do my “first” for the day. It dawned on me to do a time capsule with him! We both loved the idea. I suggested that we each write a letter to “Dear Time Capsule” and explain where we are in our lives right now. Tyler went right to work and composed a very concise letter in no time. I did the same but not in “no time”. I asked what else can we put in the time capsule and Tyler recommended the perfect idea…a snippet of our hair. I grabbed a pair of scissors and cut away, taped each lock of hair to its respective letter, inserted the letters into zip-lock baggies, and placed them into a plastic jar. A “selfie” was next on the agenda and then off we drove to our secret hiding place to “plant” the capsule.
An escapade like this can feel even more venturesome when executed in the dark. Our flashlights led the way: first to a clearing, then to a path veering to the right, then finally to a bush near two towering trees. We scoped the area for more landmarks to remember our spot. I started to dig...Tyler continued until the hole was ample size. We placed the jar in the cavity and covered her up! I had a heart-shaped stone that my friend Mary from Virginia gave me which we used to mark the spot. I covered the freshly dug-up dirt with leaves so no one wandering around would be curious about our burial.
During the walk back to my car, I counted 45 paces to where the trail veered to the right to our “grave”. We decided that in five years on April 18, 2019 we would retrieve our time capsule and read our letters. We could leave it undisturbed “forever” for someone else to discover centuries from now…but who better to revisit this moment than Tyler and his grandma!


Thursday, April 17, 2014

Day 107 ~ Eggstravaganza

Day 107 ~ Eggstravaganza
Apr 17, 2014     
My first: I made Holy Thursday with my family a little more interesting and fun by wearing bunny ears and masterminding an Easter trivia game.
My daughter-in-law Shaundra invited the family over for tacos and Easter egg dying. It was a long day for me, but I was prepared after a shopping spree at the dollar store earlier that afternoon. I arrived with my bunny ears tiara and a sack full of them to hand out to the kids and anyone else who would wear them.
We spent some time on their driveway watching the kids play and enjoying the warmth of the sun. Then our bellies needed feeding so we all went inside for a feast of tacos, hard or soft, burritos, taco salad or any other version of Mexican food one could create from the ingredients laid before us.  We all got our fill as usual when Shaundra is in charge!
I wasn’t the only one though who wanted to "Kick it up a notch!" Shaundra poked raw eggs with two holes, top and bottom, and then had “volunteers” blow out the insides of the egg. She had a can of shaving cream on hand as well. We added different colored dyes to the cream and rolled boiled eggs into it. The kids loved the feeling of the shaving cream, but had no interest in how the eggs would look when done with their “bath”. She also had the traditional dying paraphernalia available.
After cleaning up the mess from the “eggstravaganza”, I got the kids settled to play a game of Easter trivia. I wasn’t just asking questions about the Easter bunny though. I opted to actually include Jesus in our Easter fun. And they loved it. My two grandchildren Tyler and Abbey were ready with hands raised to slam onto the table to show they knew the answer. I would call on them to say it and they would get a point if they were correct. The funniest question was when I asked how many apostles Jesus had. Tyler blurted out 100! I said no and then called on Abbey. She said 101! I said “Abbey, this isn’t ‘The Price is Right’! It was hilarious. They were really into it because they both love showing off what they know.
It was nice because we remembered Jesus (and not just the Easter bunny) on this Holy Thursday. All I can say is…thank God Jesus has a sense of humor. Right?

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Day 106 ~ Fill the Void

Day 106 ~ Fill the Void
Apr 16, 2014     
My first: After reading the book “Heaven is For Real” two years ago, I went to see the movie of the same name on its premier showing at the theater.
During the time that my dad was dying, I had a keen interest in NDEs, Near Death Experiences. I read three books about it, one of which was “Heaven is For Real”. It was about a little boy, Kolton, who had experienced heaven and came back to tell his family about it. It changed their lives because the innocence of a child does not lie.
I remember when I read the book, I was filled with a renewed faith in God and the belief that we will ALL share in the glory of everlasting life. The other two books I read, “Proof of Heaven” and “To Heaven and Back” reinforced that faith even more. I tried to get my mom to read one, if not all, of the books to help her after my dad’s passing. She still hasn’t expressed any interest in this subject. My faith is so strong and hers waivers now that Dad is gone. I don’t understand why she would not want to find comfort at a time of such grief and emptiness.
Watching this movie has again given me the comfort that I embraced two years ago when I read the book. The faith that it resurrected in me helped to fill the void that was left when my dad passed. I was there when he breathed his last breath, but I felt as if I was at the birth to his new life…a life that awaits us all.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Day 105 ~ Shoot the Moon

Day 105 ~ Shoot the Moon
Apr 15, 2014     
My first: I witnessed a Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse.
One of my Facebook friends posted that there would be a lunar eclipse at 2:46 a.m. Bingo! There’s a “first” if I ever saw one. I set the alarm on my phone for 2:40 a.m. and got my camera and tripod ready for the big photo shoot.
I went to bed and tried to get to sleep as quickly as possible because I knew my night’s sleep would not go uninterrupted. It was 1:00 when I awoke. I looked out my window and my backyard was brighter than usual from the moon’s glow. I went to my deck and saw a little piece of the moon “bitten off”. It started. I “shot the moon” until I got a satisfactory photo. Then I went back to bed to warm up and catch a few more winks until my alarm went off. I woke up at 2 and noticed the backyard was dark. Off to the deck I went to see the progress and to take more photos. Then back to bed to warm up again. I lay awake until the alarm sounded. Now the moon was reddish and I was snapping away…trying different settings to show off the moon blushing.
After I completed my wee-hour photo shoot, I lay in bed thinking about what I just witnessed. I thought about my year and all the different things I’ve done and how I’ve changed because of them. Before 2014, my life was like the moon we see month after month; now my life is the eclipse and I embrace the intervention.
When I awoke in the light, I went to the window. The moon and the moment were gone. The memory and the meaning are not.


Day 104 ~ Stood Up

Day 104 ~ Stood Up
Apr 14, 2014       
My first: I made an appointment with a phone psychic.
On the drive to my doctor’s office, I was flipping through possibilities of what my “first” could be for the day. I was drawn to my hands. I studied the back of them and remembered stories of my past that my hands now narrate. I laughed at how palm readers think the story is on the palm. Then the idea struck me! I’ve never gone to a palm reader before, so why not now? I searched the World Wide Web and randomly chose a phone psychic as my experiment into this new realm of perception.
My appointment time was set. “Isabella” assured me that 8:00 p.m. (9:00 her time) was open for my reading. My fireplace was aglow, a candle was burning, soundscape music filled the air, and my laptop and wallet were near at hand (for payment purposes). I was ready. I called at 8 and got her voicemail. I left a message, figuring she was still involved with a client. She told me earlier in the afternoon that she doesn’t like to rush sessions. I called at 8:15. Again the voicemail…I left another message. I called again at 8:30. Voicemail. I opted to leave no message. When she didn’t return my call by 9, I knew I was stood up. Really?
I thought of some of the possibilities of why she was unavailable to me, but I guess the mystery will never be solved. My only concern, if this stuff is for real, is that she declined because she already felt bad vibes from me. Yikes!  Nah…can’t be that!

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Day 103 ~ All Decked Out

Day 103 ~ All Decked Out
Apr 13, 2014       
My first: I went outside on my deck totally nude to enjoy the spring rain in the dark.
I had an idea of what I was going to do on this day, but best laid plans often go astray. As usual, I got preoccupied with other tasks…it was my productive Sunday finally. I was on a roll getting’ things done.
The light of the day turned to dark and it was raining…a nice easy spring rain. So what is a girl supposed to do? Go outside all decked out in her birthday suit and take it all in!
I stood and lifted my arms and face to the sky and let the drops beat down on me. It was very freeing. At moments I felt like I was doing something that was forbidden. I know public exposure is against the law or frowned upon if nothing else, right? Well, there was no public! So is a woman really standing nude in the rain at night if no one is there to witness? Ponder that!
I spent about 5 minutes walking around the deck to the different corners taking in the night, the rain and the chill in the air. I was refreshed after being inside and home alone all day. I peered down at my almost 62-year-old body and thought “not looking too bad”…in the dark. By the way, my brain and I are only partially responsible for our thoughts. The stimuli we’ve been receiving lately during my year of “firsts” is a bit overwhelming. But we are handling it and loving it. The regrouping is in the works and long overdue.
Sorry, but no photos are available for this blog. The reason for the unavailability is your guess.

Day 102 ~ Wish Upon a Plan

Day 102 ~ Wish Upon a Plan
Apr 12, 2014   
My first: I attended a community education class called Retirement Planning.
Well, I made it! I actually attended a community education class I signed up for. Remember my blog from Day 81 called “Skipping Class”. I was supposed to attend a class call Publish Your Manuscript Workshop, but I missed it because I went to the wrong campus. Ugh! By the way, SWIC refunded me my fee and also sent me the material from the class. I was impressed!
That Saturday morning I got to room 1380 bright and early…ten minutes before the class started. My mother would be so proud…guess I’d better tell her about this phenomenon. AND I knew exactly where to go because my grandson Andy and I went to the SWIC Belleville campus the Tuesday before (See Blog 98 ~ “Too Cool for School”) and scoped it out. No worries here!
When the instructor walked in, I knew him immediately. Rick is an old friend to my brother Dale and he’s also my mom’s financial planner. I reminded him who I was and shared some phone photos from the Cardinal game the night before that I spent with my mom. Gotta get in good with the teacher!
The class was filled with me and two other people, John and Donna, so any of us could pretty well interject at any time with questions or comments. And, of course, I did. Rick did pretty well with emitting as much information and knowledge as he could in a 2-hour timeframe. John was 32 and pretty smart to be attending a retirement planning class. At 61, I was the oldest (not necessarily the wisest) in the room…not an unfamiliar situation for me. I felt good about it though as I usually do. Hey, I made it this far, right! I found myself becoming a little more philosophical than usual because of my 2014 transformations. I think Rick appreciated my esoteric comments because he is in the same place in life…kind of regrouping and figuring out what really matters.
It’s the “now what?” syndrome created by us baby boomers. This is a very unique time in life because it’s not just about growing old…that’s a given. It’s about continuing to grow! If that’s not in your retirement plan, better regroup. I am.

Day 101 ~ I Got This

Day 101 ~ I Got This
Apr 11, 2014       
My first: I accepted an invitation from my mom to attend a Cardinal game with her, my brother and my sister.
My younger brother Dale gave my mom 4 box seat tickets to a Cardinal game for her 86th birthday, so Mom invited my brother Bruce, my sister Karen, and me (the three locals) to accompany her. The evening was perfect and I was open to any and all spontaneous possibilities.
While Karen visited with a vendor/friend outside the stadium, I eyed this young man dressed like one of the Blues Brothers (except his tie was Cardinal red). He was standing there in line minding his own business when I went up to him and asked what was up with the Blues Brothers outfit. He enthusiastically explained that he likes to dress differently than everyone else. He tries to get his friends in on it too, but they don’t always “go the distance” like he does.  I shared my experience I had with the Blues Brothers impersonators in Branson last November...they were really great and uplifting. It's amazing how those brief moments spent with this guy gave me joy…I sure hope they did the same for him.
Of course, I had many conversations with my family and lots of strangers that night. Josh, the man sitting next to us was constantly cracking up at the pokes Karen and I were exchanging with him and with each other. We also asked a young gal to take our picture and had a great time “interrogating” her. She had fun with it too!
Eventually, it was time for me to take a break. I left my “fam” and took a walk around the entire stadium on the level we were on. I spoke with several people along the way like it was not our first time, nor our last…but it was. Funny how I have crossed paths with strangers all my life and have never FELT the ripple like I do now.
At the end of my travels, I found a souvenir store and stepped inside. I got this idea…imagine that! I searched the shop for the most “economical” baseball to purchase.  As I left and walked back to my place in the stadium, I planned my prank. As I got closer to my family, I rushed up to them holding the ball in my cupped little hands (covering the embossed cardinal symbol). Sounding as excited as I could, I said “Look, I got this ball hit to me while I was out walking!” And for that wonderful millisecond, they believed me. The fans sitting close by probably thought I was a bit off my rocker. I confessed to everyone in hearing distance that I had bought it! It’s one of those “you had to be there” moments.  
The game went into extra innings that evening which allowed us to move to seats vacated by disgruntled fans, four rows away from the dugout. Our relatives that were watching the game at home told us we were even on TV. To our dismay, the Cardinals lost 6-3. But that’s okay because we had our game ball.
When we got to my brother’s house, our original meeting point, we went inside for a moment. I asked Mom, Bruce and Karen to sign the alleged foul ball. I was last to sign and then date it. We all stood together and took a “selfie” photo with our ball…a moment and a memory.