Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Day 91 ~ Train of Thought

Day 91 ~ Train of Thought 

Apr 1, 2014 

My first: I rode the St. Louis Metrolink from the college (SWIC) to Lambert Airport and back again with no destination in mind. 

With book (No Excuses by Brian Tracy) and notebook in hand, I boarded the St. Louis Metrolink at the community college station. I was en route to St. Louis Lambert International Airport, but not intending to get off at any station in between. I was “along for the ride”. I always wanted to do this with my grandson Tyler when he was much younger (he’s eleven now), but he was always too afraid to board the train with those monster doors and all. 

The night was chilly and rainy; a perfect night to escape. I was ready to gaze out the window at the moving landscapes and then bury myself in my book and maybe even take some notes. And that is exactly what I did! It’s funny how you can concentrate on a “train to nowhere”.  

Talking to people was not my plan. I just wanted to look and feel like that lonely, mysterious rider (or is it writer?). I doubt if anyone paid attention to me, but I didn’t really bother to look up and notice. I did ask a young black man to take my photo, of course! And he did it without hesitation. His name was Steve, just like one of my best friends. Was it a sign? Of course it was! This was where I was supposed to be at that moment in time! 

The book I’m reading is helping me to increase my self-discipline to achieve the things and the life that I want (not that my life is horrible because it’s not). This author has some pretty good ideas and I was soaking them up during my ride. The BIGGEST goal that I have right now is to write a book when my year of “firsts” is complete. I am getting some really good pointers to start me in the right direction and keep me there. My mind was going faster than the train.

This was a great getaway for me…another vacation in my day. Sometimes vacations can relax you, stimulate you, enrapture you, lavish you, or just plain give you a break! This one definitely stimulated me to move forward and keep moving forward.  If you stand still, you’ll eventually go backwards because you have to move in one direction or the other. I choose FORWARD!

Let’s just say that my “train of thought” took me to more than just the other side of St. Louis and back.

And on a humorous note…for the first time in my life, I had a “one-track mind”.

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