Thursday, April 17, 2014

Day 107 ~ Eggstravaganza

Day 107 ~ Eggstravaganza
Apr 17, 2014     
My first: I made Holy Thursday with my family a little more interesting and fun by wearing bunny ears and masterminding an Easter trivia game.
My daughter-in-law Shaundra invited the family over for tacos and Easter egg dying. It was a long day for me, but I was prepared after a shopping spree at the dollar store earlier that afternoon. I arrived with my bunny ears tiara and a sack full of them to hand out to the kids and anyone else who would wear them.
We spent some time on their driveway watching the kids play and enjoying the warmth of the sun. Then our bellies needed feeding so we all went inside for a feast of tacos, hard or soft, burritos, taco salad or any other version of Mexican food one could create from the ingredients laid before us.  We all got our fill as usual when Shaundra is in charge!
I wasn’t the only one though who wanted to "Kick it up a notch!" Shaundra poked raw eggs with two holes, top and bottom, and then had “volunteers” blow out the insides of the egg. She had a can of shaving cream on hand as well. We added different colored dyes to the cream and rolled boiled eggs into it. The kids loved the feeling of the shaving cream, but had no interest in how the eggs would look when done with their “bath”. She also had the traditional dying paraphernalia available.
After cleaning up the mess from the “eggstravaganza”, I got the kids settled to play a game of Easter trivia. I wasn’t just asking questions about the Easter bunny though. I opted to actually include Jesus in our Easter fun. And they loved it. My two grandchildren Tyler and Abbey were ready with hands raised to slam onto the table to show they knew the answer. I would call on them to say it and they would get a point if they were correct. The funniest question was when I asked how many apostles Jesus had. Tyler blurted out 100! I said no and then called on Abbey. She said 101! I said “Abbey, this isn’t ‘The Price is Right’! It was hilarious. They were really into it because they both love showing off what they know.
It was nice because we remembered Jesus (and not just the Easter bunny) on this Holy Thursday. All I can say is…thank God Jesus has a sense of humor. Right?

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