Sunday, April 13, 2014

Day 102 ~ Wish Upon a Plan

Day 102 ~ Wish Upon a Plan
Apr 12, 2014   
My first: I attended a community education class called Retirement Planning.
Well, I made it! I actually attended a community education class I signed up for. Remember my blog from Day 81 called “Skipping Class”. I was supposed to attend a class call Publish Your Manuscript Workshop, but I missed it because I went to the wrong campus. Ugh! By the way, SWIC refunded me my fee and also sent me the material from the class. I was impressed!
That Saturday morning I got to room 1380 bright and early…ten minutes before the class started. My mother would be so proud…guess I’d better tell her about this phenomenon. AND I knew exactly where to go because my grandson Andy and I went to the SWIC Belleville campus the Tuesday before (See Blog 98 ~ “Too Cool for School”) and scoped it out. No worries here!
When the instructor walked in, I knew him immediately. Rick is an old friend to my brother Dale and he’s also my mom’s financial planner. I reminded him who I was and shared some phone photos from the Cardinal game the night before that I spent with my mom. Gotta get in good with the teacher!
The class was filled with me and two other people, John and Donna, so any of us could pretty well interject at any time with questions or comments. And, of course, I did. Rick did pretty well with emitting as much information and knowledge as he could in a 2-hour timeframe. John was 32 and pretty smart to be attending a retirement planning class. At 61, I was the oldest (not necessarily the wisest) in the room…not an unfamiliar situation for me. I felt good about it though as I usually do. Hey, I made it this far, right! I found myself becoming a little more philosophical than usual because of my 2014 transformations. I think Rick appreciated my esoteric comments because he is in the same place in life…kind of regrouping and figuring out what really matters.
It’s the “now what?” syndrome created by us baby boomers. This is a very unique time in life because it’s not just about growing old…that’s a given. It’s about continuing to grow! If that’s not in your retirement plan, better regroup. I am.

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