Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Day 185 ~ Wanna See Me Naked?

July 4, 2014
My instead: I was donned patriotically and also brought fireworks for the kids. Then I went to Lez Dance, complete with my red, white and blue cap with no hair product. 

My 4th of July plan was to watch fireworks with the family in Millstadt’s Liederkranz Park on the baseball diamond. My balance scale of friends versus family had been tipping too heavily on the friends’ plate. Time for family. No complaints here.

I found my mom and my sister and her family right away with Karen’s navigational assistance via text. We got to visit and, of course, I was exuberantly sharing my recent encounter with Liz Gilbert (author of Eat Pray Love). I was still on a cloud about that one! More family members arrived on the scene until we had a good section of the ball diamond’s left center field occupied.  

I was dressed in red, white and blue. My hair needed a break from the hair products, so I topped it with a Nashville cap that had all those appropriate colors. Also, I came prepared to entertain the kiddos. Aunt Mary/Grandma brought her own fireworks! They were mostly harmless…glow sticks, poppers, and sparklers. But the kids were into it all…they’re kids! Will they remember the “fun” me?  

The fireworks ended as they always do. We disbanded.  

Now what? Go home? Or should I go to the Lez Dance in St. Louis? I had had no intention of going because of the “fam plan”, but many of my friends were going to be there. Gotta dance!  

I arrived at the Cherokee street venue, paid my $5 cover, and walked in with my patriotic cap covering my naked hair. I don’t do this. Don’t get me wrong…I wear caps plenty, but going out? Never! The hair is always “lacquered” in place and not to be touched. 

I started to have fun with this new representation of me. I actually took the cap off intermittently and  displayed the “coiffure”. Anyone was allowed to touch! I asked two of my friends if they wanted to see me naked. Their looks were priceless. One of them said “Sure!” I discarded the cap and let their eyes feast upon my hair, au naturel. We laughed. 

I enjoyed my friends, the music, the dancing…and my nudity “topped” it all off. Sometimes you can have the most fun coloring outside the lines.


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