Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Day 203 ~ Feed Them and They Will Come

July 22, 2014

My Instead: I went to a retirement planning dinner with my brother and his wife.  

I am NOT a “money person”. I don’t even like to play Monopoly. But sometimes one has to bite the bullet and actually plan a financial future. My older (retired) brother Bruce, told me about a recurring Financial Path to Prosperity Workshop (along with a free dinner) that Slagle Financial presents to inform retired and close-to-retirement individuals about developing a game plan for the “good life”. Bruce has some of his money with this organization. He and I happened to be talking annuities one day, so he suggested this workshop to me. No pressure. I said yes.  

I’m HOW old!? How did I get to be 62? At the end of August, I will receive my first Social Security check. It’s nice to have a monthly deposit that will take residence in my bank account without my having to work for it. But! Yes, there’s a “but”. This “free money” will not be enough for me to live on until my last breath is taken. Hence, I must investigate ways to get the biggest bang for my buck from my savings; otherwise, I will be moving in with my kids sooner than expected. Just kidding, kids! I have NO intention of hanging my hat where you hang yours.  

Bruce and his wife Pam joined me at this event to be my moral support, my financial mentor and to get a free meal. They ARE on a fixed income after all! The presentation came BEFORE the meal...don’t want anyone leaving until they hear the spiel. The dissertation was interesting because there were some points covered that I never thought of before. I decided that I should delve into this further because the exposure I got there was just an introduction and will not get me to the “mountain”. I made an appointment to meet and discuss specific options with a retirement coach. I’d better start warming up!  

When I think about the years ahead of me, “God willing and the creek don’t rise”, I’m thankful that I am a simple woman with simple needs and desires. I don’t spend what I don’t have. I spend wisely to be comfortable, not nestled in a lap of luxury. I am more blessed than probably most with my financial situation, but the baby boomer burden is to plan so that you don’t outlive your money! Darn, my health is pretty good, so money troubles could arise in time…go figure.  So I can either start living an unhealthy lifestyle with smoking, drinking, carousing, and taking unnecessary chances to end “me” as soon as the money runs out OR I can start strategically planning to grow my nest egg into an egg-bearing fowl.  

I think I will choose the latter!

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