Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Day 194 ~ Spoiled Rotten

July 13, 2014
My Instead: After a pool party the day before, I stayed most of the next day at a friend's place in Farmington instead of rushing home to get my work done. 

It was Sunday and I had things to do back home. And there I was in Farmington, Missouri…the “day after” the pool party. I had planned to spend the night because I knew I would have been too tired to drive for that long that late.
Anyway, that Sunday morning, I finally rose at 9 A.M. I never sleep that late, well hardly ever. But I didn’t hear any rumbling from the other three women in the house, so I stayed put on my inflatable mattress. When I finally did get up, I went to the sunroom and found Annette sprawled out on this great big lounging-type stuffed chair. She looked so comfy! “I will own that chair for the rest of the weekend”, I thought. And the second she got up to get me some coffee, I parked my carcass into her impression. Yes, I am that bold! And Annette was so generous and gracious.  

One of the other gals made a great breakfast. Boy, was I getting spoiled…rotten! I could get used to this. It was no wonder or surprise that I overstayed my welcome. We all got in the pool again, another gal joined us later in the day, and that Sunday indeed manifested as a “day of rest”.  

Eventually, everyone left and went back to their reality. I stayed and avoided mine a little while longer. Annette and I solved the world’s problems and Mary, her neighbor, arrived a little later to join in the brain storming. But all good things must come to an end. And so it was for this day, as well.  

I am so glad I took a break from my work and returned a sense of balance to my life. I just hope my memory holds out a few more years so that I can feast upon the weekend’s reverie.  



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