Day 31
Jan 31,
My first: I helped my neighbor put away her outside Christmas electrical supplies.
I had
just gotten home from work and running several errands. I was tired from
working/painting until 11 the night before and I had just given blood earlier
that day too. I had been thinking on my drive home of what my “first” would be
for the day. I had a lot to do to finish my bedroom renovation and really didn’t
have much time to give to a “first”. I
saw my neighbor clearing out her front yard of stakes, cords, spotlights, etc
from her outdoor Christmas display. I thought that I could help her and make
that my “first” for the day! I REALLY
did not want to…BUT I yelled across the street to JoAnne and asked if she
needed help. She said I could if I wanted to. I said I would change and be
right out. I went out and helped her finish up and even picked up some large
limbs in her yard and put them in a pile in the side yard.
She was
asking me how my renovation was going and I invited her in to see the progress.
She was very impressed with it all and couldn't believe how fast the project
was going. We had a nice little visit sharing what’s been happening with both
of us. I am so glad that my “firsts” got me to do this. Sometimes taking the
time for someone, even when you’re tired, can rejuvenate you in more ways than