Sunday, January 12, 2014

Day 11 ~ Cozy Convo

Day 11

Jan 11, 2014 

My first: I shared an afternoon talking with my niece Amy, great-nephew Christian and Mom

I went to my mom's to take down her Christmas tree. My niece and great Nephew Christian were there and helped with the job at hand. After all was down and put away, we ended up spending the rest of the afternoon TALKING! Amy was very forthcoming with so much about her family, herself and what has gone on and is going on with Christian’s leukemia. What a cross to bear for Christian and his whole family. I thank God for the time I spent with my children when they were small…uninterrupted with such horror. I cannot imagine the trial, the strength, and all the GOODNESS that erupts from this type of life event. Time for all of us to refocus on what is important and forget about all the other incidentals of life that provide us with only temporary highs. I know that some of my “firsts” may seem like temporary highs. That’s what you’re probably thinking (if anyone is reading this at all). But please try to understand that the “means” may be deceiving to what the “end” will produce…provided there is an end at all!

Anyway, the four of us continued to share. It was quite amazing communicating in our physical presence, especially when I don’t often talk to Amy and Christian. I shared with them about trying to get my mom (and me) to be more positive by creating our own “thankful for” list. There was just so much that we talked about, but I can’t tell you enough how wonderfully enjoyable and SIMPLE it was! GIMME more of this!!!

And one last thing…I left my mom’s and was just about pulling out of her street when I remembered I NEEDED a picture of this day for my blog and just to HAVE for the memory. I backed my car up like a mad woman down the street and up her driveway. I got us all back in the house and the phone camera did the rest! Posterity, here you are!

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