Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Day 7 ~ Thankful for...

Day 7

Jan 7, 2014 

My first: My mom and I are starting our “thankful for “list.

Today started out with my helping a young woman out of a snow drift that she slid into due to her low-tread tires. I grabbed the shovel she was using and continued removing the snow from under her car. Another lady stopped by with kitty litter that I put under the front tires. A man stopped by and provided the finishing touches to get this woman on her way to pick up her kids!

I proceeded to my son’s house to watch my grandkids, Abbey and Andy. Andy had a cough so their parents wanted me there to insure he was okay and, in case of an emergency, do what was necessary. My little Abbey pulled her first tooth all by herself with my prodding. I was right there to witness her last “successful” pull. She put it in a bowl of water to show her mom when she got home.
Then, I went over to my mom’s after my day of babysitting to shovel out her driveway. To my surprise and delight, her neighbor, Andy, had already snow-blew it.  Mom and I chatted for quite a while and I think we were almost going to duke it out because of her being so negative. I told her she drives me crazy with her always talking negative about people and life. Finally, I went to the kitchen and started a paper entitled “All the Things I’m Thankful For”. I wrote down the first two things she dictated to me that she was thankful for. The rest is up to her. We agreed that we would both work on our “thankful for” list and SHARE what we came up with when I came over next time to take down her Christmas tree. I asked her to be specific. I tried to convince her that doing this would help her to enjoy life more by thinking positive and being thankful. I encouraged her to try to do different things; her life is HERS now; just go for it despite her age. Ya think she’ll take my advice?

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