Monday, March 31, 2014

Day 90 ~ Roller Derby

Day 90 ~ Roller Derby 

Mar 31, 2014 

My first: I helped out at PE class for my granddaughter Abbey as she and her class learned to roller skate. 

My daughter-in-law Shaundra asked me if I would go to Abbey’s PE class to help out with their roller skating class. I had no plans for that timeframe so I gladly said yes to her request. It was my honor and pleasure, after all! 

I was in the gym when Abbey’s teacher walked in leading her class. Abbey and a few of the other kids ran ahead to the area where shoes are discarded and roller skates are donned. I was there too so I think Abbey was running to me! The teacher called out to the kids to get back behind her and wait to be handed over to the PE teacher. 

And there was music and there was Abbey gliding along on her roller skates! The tunes were playing and bottoms were hitting the floor faster than I could count…but not Abbey’s! She was steady as she goes. There was only one time where she went down gracefully on one knee and then she was up again. She said “that didn’t count”. I agreed and said “that’s right ‘cause you didn’t go ‘kaboom’”! Abbey has a lot of things figured out at her young age and I discovered that one of them is “when you fall in life, make it part of your dance”.  

My afternoon with Abbey and her classmates was a good time in my life. I relished each moment and truly felt the blessing of this wonderful little creature in my life. I am filled with hope that she will grow and become a woman of honor, inner beauty, faith, confidence, and compassion. Her grandma is still working on it!

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