Monday, March 31, 2014

Day 90 ~ Roller Derby

Day 90 ~ Roller Derby 

Mar 31, 2014 

My first: I helped out at PE class for my granddaughter Abbey as she and her class learned to roller skate. 

My daughter-in-law Shaundra asked me if I would go to Abbey’s PE class to help out with their roller skating class. I had no plans for that timeframe so I gladly said yes to her request. It was my honor and pleasure, after all! 

I was in the gym when Abbey’s teacher walked in leading her class. Abbey and a few of the other kids ran ahead to the area where shoes are discarded and roller skates are donned. I was there too so I think Abbey was running to me! The teacher called out to the kids to get back behind her and wait to be handed over to the PE teacher. 

And there was music and there was Abbey gliding along on her roller skates! The tunes were playing and bottoms were hitting the floor faster than I could count…but not Abbey’s! She was steady as she goes. There was only one time where she went down gracefully on one knee and then she was up again. She said “that didn’t count”. I agreed and said “that’s right ‘cause you didn’t go ‘kaboom’”! Abbey has a lot of things figured out at her young age and I discovered that one of them is “when you fall in life, make it part of your dance”.  

My afternoon with Abbey and her classmates was a good time in my life. I relished each moment and truly felt the blessing of this wonderful little creature in my life. I am filled with hope that she will grow and become a woman of honor, inner beauty, faith, confidence, and compassion. Her grandma is still working on it!

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Day 89 ~ Life is a Cabaret

Day 89 ~ Life is a Cabaret  

Mar 30, 2014 

My first: I attended my fist cabaret show. 

My friend Rena and I have talked many times about her daughter Liz performing in musical theater productions. She specifically told me about Liz’ solo act, her cabaret performance. It intrigued me so much. Then Liz came over to her mom’s house when I was there and Rena was not. We had an hour-long conversation about her singing, her performances, my “firsts”, my not drinking in 2014 and many other things. She told me more about this cabaret show that she had done and I was disappointed that I had missed it.  

About a month later, while I was at Rena’s, I noticed a pile of cards on her table and read the top one. It was advertising an encore production of Liz’s cabaret show, “back by popular demand” it read. I immediately informed Rena that I was going! Then, being the kind and wonderful soul that she is, Rena said that there would be a ticket waiting at the door for me! What a nice gesture! I was so grateful for her continuing generosity.  

The night that I had been waiting for was here. I asked my friend Maureen to go with me since she had been a theater major in college and I knew she would enjoy it. We arrived and found our places to sit. Then Liz was introduced. Her performance was so intimate and wonderful. Her voice was clear and strong. Her smile and stage presence was captivating. We sat and enjoyed the hour-long show with amazement at her ease of performing. I think she’s done this before! 

Maureen and I discussed the show on our way back to my house. I wondered if I could do what Liz did. Well, I obviously don’t have the voice as anyone will attest who has heard me sing. But I really think I could do something similar, just more on the comedic side. After all, I’ve had a little bit of experience with my “bag lady” gigs that I did in 2003. Something to consider as my new life unfolds each day. Hmmm…I could be onto something here. Sky’s the limit…or is it?


Day 88 ~ Hot Shot

Day 88 ~ Hot Shot

Mar 29, 2014

My first: I gave my friend Kelly her injection for diabetes.

A few days ago, I had asked Kelly if I could give her the injection she takes for her diabetes. She was not havin’ that at all. I really can’t blame her because it was all still pretty new to her herself. Believe it or not, I didn’t bug her anymore about it. 

A few days later, she and I were out with my sister and a few friends. Everyone was asking me what was going to be my “first” for the day. I said I didn’t know yet. Sometimes they are planned and oftentimes they are spontaneous. Kelly leaned over to me and whispered that if nothing came up for me to do, she would let me give her the injection later that night. I was so surprised and pleased. I didn’t think that she would ever go along with me doing that, “first” or no “first”.  

Well, nothing better came along that evening for me to do as my “first”. I think I quit searching so hard because I knew I had one in the bag with giving Kelly her shot. I liked the fact that she trusted me to do that, making it even more inviting as my “first” for the day. 

The procedure to do this is pretty easy compared to what I thought it would be like. It’s really not that gross, even for people that can’t stand needles. It takes a few seconds, the needle is tiny, and best of all, I am not the one being poked! I can do this! Kelly directed me on what to do and, before we knew it, we were finished!  

Kelly’s blood sugar is much better now since she’s been injecting this hormone to stimulate her insulin production. It just amazes me that a small skin prick can have such an effect on a person’s health. And I got to be a part of that medical miracle! Thank you, Kelly…


Day 87 ~ Queen of the Mountain

Day 87 ~ Queen of the Mountain

Mar 28, 2014

My first: I climbed to the top of a huge rock pile.

Have mountain, will climb. And that is what I did! Near to my son’s house, there was this huge rock pile that was just calling out to me every time I went passed it. Okay, it’s a rock pile, right?  It was no Everest! But it’s not about the challenge, folks. It’s just that there it was! Waiting!

My friend Kelly and I were going out to eat fish that Friday night during Lent. That’s what we good girls do in the Midwest. I asked her if we could visit the rock pile, have me climb it and she could take the pictures. I could not see doing this alone and getting the shot from below. The timer on my camera goes a little too fast for that. She agreed to trespass with me and risk being caught doing such a dastardly deed. I drove behind the pile to hide my car a little from the sight of ongoing traffic. I got the camera ready, handed it off to Kelly, and then made my way up to the top of this “mighty mountain”.

I made it to the top in pretty good time with a little slipping and sliding from the rocks beneath my feet. Then there I was taking it all in! I could have stayed for hours and just sat there escaping the hustle and bustle that lay below.  The feeling was similar to the one that I have when I am on the roof of my house. It’s like I see the whole world, but it has no clue where I am. Going to these heights once in a while is the perfect place and time to ponder or not, to feel or not, to dream or not, to… You get what I mean.

The rock pile is still calling and I will answer. Yes, I WILL do this again with no company, no camera and no ensuing blog entry. Just me and my mountain.

There she is, my mountain!

On my way up

Queen of the Mountain

Coming down



Day 86 ~ Harmony's Melody

Day 86 ~ Harmony's Melody

Mar 27, 2014

My first: I interacted with a black man, nurturing the harmony that can exist between our two cultures.

This was my day to give blood. Yes, every 56 days, my blood is good for the taking! I arrived and got the usual friendly greetings from the American Red Cross staff. I kind of feel like Norm from Cheers on blood donation day!

The blood pressure was good. The iron was good. The heart rate was good. Thank you, God, for my good health…and that is why I’m here every 8 weeks. I know there are so many out there that are not in the best shape. How could I not share my blessing with them!

While donating, I saw a young black mother sitting with her children waiting while her husband donated. When I was finished donating and sitting in the “canteen” enjoying juice and Cheez-its, the husband was taking his turn with his children while the mother donated. Of course, I started up a conversation with the young man. He was so open to talking and sharing with me. You could tell that his children loved their daddy and that they were loved by him. He was very proud. The children were beautiful and well-behaved considering the length of time they had to be there while both their parents donated. The dad talked about his mother and how she likes to spend time with each of the kids separately. I could relate to that as a grandmother! It proved to me that the love parents give lives on in their children and their grandchildren and so on.

As I left, I told the daddy how wonderful it was talking with him and that his children were beautiful. It reminds me of how the role of Dad is so underestimated. When a dad is present and he loves and interacts with his kids, no other gift can hold such treasure.

Was my interaction with this man and his family about black versus white? Was it about young versus old? Was it about male versus female? I guess all these differences were apparent and present. But when I departed that day, all I could feel was his goodness, renewing my faith once again in people. I only hope that he felt the same about me.

Day 85 ~ Vacate the Premises

Day 85 ~ Vacate the Premises

Mar 26, 2014

My first: I finally took a walk across the bridge over the small lake on the right as I enter Mascoutah.

I was in Mascoutah helping out a woman who had just had foot surgery. She knows all about my “firsts” since we have become good friends with my many visits. I told her that when I leave I would be stopping to walk across that bridge that I see every time I enter Mascoutah to come see her. She agreed that this would be a good one for me to do. She loves photography too so she understands the concept of different perspectives.

The day was a bit cold and blustery, but I was determined to check this out. I parked my car and got the camera in my phone ready to snap away as I came closer and closer to my destination. The trail to the bridge and the bridge itself looked and felt so different from where I usually perceive it, Route 177. The paint was peeling as the bridge showed its age. I watched from the bridge as the cars zoomed by. I thought about the people inside on their way home from a long day’s work, just like me...but not today.

I vacated those daily doldrums of driving straight home from work thinking about all those everyday thoughts. What is a vacation? Two, Three, Four weeks out of a year? How about a half hour out of one day? My vacation was right there! Are you jealous yet? You should be! On my drive home from the bridge, I noticed everything around me…the fields, the sky, the birds. I took it all in and felt total joy. I took a snippet of time out of my day to embrace something familiar but different and got so much more! Yes, it was only a bridge…big deal, right?

How often do we pass on by a thing, a person, a moment? Guilty!  If nothing else, this year of “firsts” has taught me to SEE all that is in my life that I haven't noticed for a very long time. I encourage anyone who will listen (or read this) to open up, allow, notice, embrace the goodness of life. It is there! Trust me…it is there…

Day 84 ~ A Real Zinger

Day 84 ~ A Real Zinger 

Mar 25, 2014 

My first: I performed TENS Therapy on myself and my daughter Robin.
My daughter Robin was in pain with a horrible stiff neck. She was on her second day of missing work because of it! I had just gotten this Tens (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation) therapy unit from my daughter-in-law’s brother Brett. He comes to all of my Christmases and has become a wonderful family friend. He is a tennis coach at a local gym so he understands the aches and pains that come from muscle strain and repetitive motion. He wanted me to have this unit to thank me for all the fun-filled moments he has had at my home at Christmas time.
Since Robin was having such a bad time with her neck pain, I decided to take the TENS unit to her house so we could both try it out for the first time…I with my sprained wrist and she with her stiff neck. I proceeded to hook up the electrodes to the pads and then attach the sticky pads to our achy-breaky body parts. I adjusted the dial to increase or decrease the intensity of the low-voltage electrical current. We allowed 20 minutes for the unit to do “its thing”. We had a fun time over all and enjoyed yet another bonding experience. My grandson Tyler came home and we attached it to the bottom of his foot for about 2 seconds. It was too much for him or at least his foot!
Neither one of us felt different right after the treatment, but Robin went back to work the next day feeling better (not perfect). My wrist started feeling noticeably better as well, enough to be able to do a small job I had scheduled. We really don't know if this sped up our recovery time because the body DOES “heal thine self” sometimes, you know. I guess time will tell with more guinea pig experiments!
I have since lent it to my friend Kelly who has had an ongoing muscle pain issue in her right forearm. I told her I want it back when she is done with it because I do believe this type of therapy holds some merit and, after all, I’m not getting any younger.

Friday, March 28, 2014

Day 83 ~ Attrition and Abandonment

Day 83 ~ Attrition and Abandonment 

Mar 24, 2014

My first: I took my mom to the funeral for Vivian, one of her childhood friends.

My mom asked me to take her to her friend Vivian’s wake and funeral because Mom did not want to drive all the way to Columbia, IL alone. Besides, my dad (now gone for almost 2 years) didn’t want her driving there by herself anymore. Even though I encourage my mom any and every chance I get to be independent and strong, I said yes to her (and Dad’s) request.

We went to the funeral home first for the wake and I got to see Vivian one last time myself. I remember her mostly because of a tragedy that occurred over 50 years ago. She lost her husband and 3-year-old daughter in a terrible car accident and Vivian was the one driving. They hit a muddy section in the road due to construction and she lost control of the car. It was a horribly sad thing for the family and I remember accompanying my mom to that wake as well.

So here we are, my mom and I, once again paying our respects. But now we are saying good-bye to this sweet lady. We got to meet one of her daughters Judy who was so open to sharing her mother’s memory with us. She asked me to exchange numbers so that if anything happens to my mom, I will be able to notify her. We both knew that time would come.

During the funeral mass, I gazed over at my mother and saw her eyes reflecting a deep feeling of loss, not only for Vivian, but for all those friends and relatives that have gone before her.  My mom is slowly being abandoned by so many that have filled her life with love and joy.

The end of life’s journey is inevitable for us all, but how does it feel when you are the one that is left behind. My mom dwells on her emptiness, especially since Dad is gone. I always say that losing someone older is following the natural course of things. The human race is always being replaced. Science, history, our brains, and even our common sense tell us this. But our hearts, well, that’s another story.

What can I do to help my mom find joy in the new life that surrounds her?  What can I do to lift that shadow that follows her every day? I’ll just be there for her…and love her.



Day 82 ~ Master Me

Day 82 ~ Master Me

Mar 23, 2014

My first: I practiced riding the Ripstik trying to master it.

It was a Sunday and we were all going to St. Louis Incredible Pizza to co-celebrate two of my grandchildren’s (Abbey 6 and Andy 2) birthdays. It was a good time. Then some of us went to my son’s house to hang out. I had some more gifts to give the kids because I didn’t want to drag them all into the pizza place.

It was a nice day and we were enjoying life and the sunshine on their huge driveway. Kyle got out his Ripstik, a 2-wheeled variation of a skateboard. Okay, time to come up with my “first” for the day! How about mastering the Ripstik! Sure, I’ll give it a shot! On it I went! Or so I thought. Nice try. Does this thing have a saddle? A bucking bronco would not have thrown me as often. I wasn’t falling or anything like that, just slipping off the darn thing with every try. Then I started to go farther and farther and became quite proud of myself with each centimeter gained from the previous try. Isaac my bonus grandson was a gem at helping me and trying to keep me balanced on the board.

Then came the first fall.  I had my rear foot too far back and ended up flipping the board a bit and landed on my rear. No harm done…just to my pride. I’m good. Keep on keepin’ on! I tried again and then I mastered it….not the Ripstik. I mastered the fall. I was slammed onto that concrete driveway and heard sounds coming from my body that you don’t want to hear. I was jarred; I was bruised; I was hurt. Everyone who saw was shocked. And I guess they were surprised to see me get up right away. Pride works the hardest when it’s hurt, you know.

I knew my right wrist got it the worst. It didn’t look broken, but we didn’t have x-ray vision. I was concerned as time went on because it was not feeling any better and my work requires two working hands…and I am right-handed totally.

Luckily, I did not have any jobs until Wednesday…so Monday and Tuesday were recuperation days. All better by Wednesday! I hoped. Tuesday ended up being x-ray day. I found out that I had a slightly chipped bone in my outer wrist and a sprain.  A brace was the order of the day to keep it from moving or being knocked and perhaps getting worse.

Just so you know, I WILL try this again. The body will heal and life goes on and so do I. A different strategy will be enforced the next time. And it’s my secret. Stay tuned.

Day 81 ~ Skipping Class

Day 81 ~ Skipping Class

Mar 22, 2014

My first: I went to a community education class called Publish Your Manuscript Workshop.

When I got the brochure in the mail from SWIC (Southwestern Illinois College) listing all the community educations classes available, I knew immediately that I would be signing up for one of them as a “first” for the year. I didn’t know which class it would be yet, but I was going to peruse the list and pick one! Easier said than done. I kept the list with me for weeks and still nothing struck me. Then…there it was: Publish Your Manuscript Workshop. I never saw it before in all the times I looked at the brochure. But there it was! I had been contemplating writing a book about my year of “firsts” and now here was my first sign to go with it! Have to look for the signs!

I waited a week to sign up for the Publish Your Manuscript Workshop class because when I called the first time, SWIC was on spring break. So as not to forget, I entered into my phone’s calendar “Call SWIC” on Monday’s date, March 17th. When that day arrived, I called and got myself enrolled in the class. They warned me that if there were not enough people signed up, the class could be cancelled and that they would let me know in the middle of the week if it was a go or not.

They called! The class was on! I asked “where do I go” and the lady on the phone said “:Room 161”. I asked “where is it” and she said “you go to the main entrance”. I said “I didn’t know where the main entrance is”. Then I said “never mind, I’ll figure it out”.  Wrong!

I went to SWIC that Saturday morning and rushed into the building. I had less than 10 minutes to find the room where the class would be held. I was asking all over and no one knew, not even the security people. They finally called one of the coordinators of the community education program and she came to the library where I was to get this straightened out. She had the brochure with her and I pointed right the class that was to be held that morning. Then she pointed to the “RBC” next to the class date and said “this class is at our Red Bud Campus”. Ugh…

Sorry to any and all who are reading this blog. I know it is a long story, but I couldn’t resist sharing all that led up to such a STUPID move on my part. Can you believe that I was in the wrong town! I was embarrassed and exasperated. I could have left to go to the class when I found out where it was, but I would have missed at least 1/3 of the 3 hour class. Nope, I’ll just chalk up this experience as my education for the day.

On a positive note, the lady from the community education department was great. She was very willing to help me in any way to get me the education I was seeking. We had a very nice connection and I think (and hope) she realized that I’m not as stupid as this event may have portrayed me to be. My mission, should I decide to accept, is to never ASSUME…after all, we all know what that means…

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Day 80 ~ What a breakthrough!

Day 80 ~ What a breakthrough!
Mar 21, 2014
My first: I stood up through the sun roof of my friend’s car while it was moving. Then we drove over the Stan Musial Veterans Memorial Bridge for the first time.
My friend Kelly and I were on our way to Hamburger Mary’s for a little get together with new and old friends. Kelly wanted me to drive her car because she had been driving all day and was tired. We were in downtown St. Louis when we spotted several horses attached to their carriages, prancing along the streets as their masters searched for possible paying passengers. I decided to pass one that was slowing us down. We were already an hour past the “happy hour” start time.  Then we hit a stoplight and I noticed the horse that we passed earlier reflected in my side view mirror. I frantically grabbed my phone and snapped some photos before the light changed. What a “being at the right place at the right time” moment for that shot!
After all that excitement, I asked Kelly to drive because, of course, I had an IDEA! As we pulled over, she hopped into the driver’s seat and started to drive off as I stood on the passenger seat erupting through the sunroof of her car. The night was beautiful and my “first” was yet another one that filled me with such a sense of freedom. We drove the rest of the way with my upper body outside the car, my hair blowing in the wind. We were hoping that there were no police around to witness our antics and haul us in. I could have ridden like that all night on this, the first full day of spring. Now I know how tulips feel as they peek through their winter’s haven and greet the open air that promises to nourish and warm them.
After our happy hour, we drove over the Stan Musial Veterans Memorial Bridge for the first time. The “firsts” just keep on coming…if you look for them! And the payoff for this “first” was more than what I bargained for…this evening made me feel young and alive, anticipating and appreciating all of life’s impulsive moments. 

Mr. Ed, riding my tailgate


Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Day 79 ~ 180 Turn

Day 79 ~ 180 Turn

Mar 20, 2014

My first: I had my first biopsy and then I rode a motorized scooter for the first time.

I’ve been having some feminine issues of late and decided to make an appointment at my gynecologist. When I explained to her what was happening, she suggested that I get a biopsy of my uterus to eliminate any cancer concern. Of course, I agreed to the procedure which turned out to be much more painful than I had anticipated.

I made another appointment for April 7th to go over the biopsy results. If they are positive, I will have to have a hysterectomy to remove my uterus. If the results are negative, I will opt to repair my reproductive damage with a simple device that will put things back good as new, I hope.

After the ordeal at the doctor’s, I shifted destiny’s gears and went over to my son’s house to be a part of their little birthday celebration for my granddaughter Abbey…she was turning 6! It was beautiful outside so we were enjoying the generous daylight of the evening on this first day of spring. Abbey had just gotten a motorized scooter for her birthday that she was not quite comfortable with the challenge of riding yet, so I took over from there. It wouldn’t go at first with the instructions my son Kyle and bonus grandson Isaac were giving me. Then Kyle finally realized that the switch was in the off position. After he flipped it over, I was off and running, feeling free and on top of the world with no thought of my possible plight discussed earlier that afternoon.  

The yin and yang concept that occasionally reveals itself to all of us rose to the surface in my life today. It reminded me that my body has been the vehicle from which I have received so many blessings. Now comes the 180…Jesus take the wheel…  
Top of the World


Monday, March 24, 2014

Day 78 ~ Mortality Check

Day 78 ~ Mortality Check

Mar 19, 2014

My first: I had to call 911 and order an ambulance for a man that was having a stroke.

My Aunt Dora lives across the street from an 89-year-old man that needed some help cleaning his house. He was having foot surgery and was anticipating his inability to do some of the things he had been doing.

After meeting with Richard the week before and making arrangements to help him out, I found myself on my way to clean for him for the first time today. I called ahead to let him know I was on my way and he sounded good and ready for me. When I arrived and found him sitting at the table in the kitchen, he was complaining of being weak on his left side. I immediately offered to take him to the hospital and to stay with him until a family member was able to be with him. He thought about it and then asked me to call an ambulance. I was relieved to know that he was not going to be stubborn and insist on staying home. I dialed 911 and gave the necessary information the dispatcher requested in order for the paramedics to be ready to deal with the situation they were walking into. I had to multi-task…talking on the phone and trying to keep my little gentleman seated in his chair.

We called his brother who lived in the same town and also my Aunt Dora. Both got to the house around the same time the ambulance arrived. Richard was alert, but seemed a little scared and perhaps feeling his own mortality for the first time. His brother looked very concerned and was more than ready to follow the ambulance to the hospital. My Aunt Dora and I talked for a bit and then locked Richard’s house up. We went our separate ways…both of us swimming in pools of our own thoughts…perhaps including our own mortality.

Day 77 ~ Go With the Flow Techno!

Day 77 ~ Go With the Flow Techno!

Mar 18, 2014

My first: I finally relented and bought a new laptop with 8.1 Microsoft, a blue tooth, and a new printer.

My almost 5-year-old laptop was dying a slow death…precious hours wasted continually rebooting after the “blue screen of death” and daily “hung up in a loop” syndromes. I was scared to death that I would lose all my “stuff”! It was time!

I went the day before to have my nephew Jeff take a look to see what he could do to cure my laptop’s annoying disease. He worked on it for a good part of the day and made some headway in speeding up response time. However, my gut still insisted that I end this madness and get a new “healthy” computer.

I went to Best Buy that next day with my old laptop and my external hard drive in hand, explaining to a young man in their “Geek Squad” that I wanted data transfers run so that I had my stuff backed up…just in case. I told them that I held no hope for my old laptop and did not want to settle for a band-aid fix. My frustration testified to them that I was in the market for a new device. The obliging “geek” escorted me over to the laptop department and introduced me to David. How knowledgeable can one 22-year-old be! After checking out several models in my price range, I chose THE one (typing on it right now!).

Now I am techno-ready for whatever comes my way…at least for this second. We all know how quickly technology is changing. I am probably behind the times with my new “toy” as we speak! Now, I don’t really want to spend all my golden/twilight year moments in front of the computer screen or any screen for that matter…but, ahhhh, it sure is nice to depend on it when I do.

The irony of it all, at least as far as I’m concerned, is that as I become older and less of a viable spoke in this cog called the human race, the world of technology ventures onward at warp speed. My flirtation with keeping up with it will be a fleeting memory tomorrow...


Day 76 ~ Memorial Moments

Day 76 ~ Memorial Moments

Mar 17, 2014

My first: I went with my mom to the war memorial in Smithton, IL to see my dad's name on the World War II plaque.

I had a day planned that was jam packed with errands to run and calls to make. Then my mom called at 7:30 in the morning to ask me to drive her to her hair perm appointment because she was feeling dizzy and did not feel safe driving. I had to be at her house in 15 minutes. Of course, I picked her up, drove out there and dropped her off. Then I quickly carried on to get some things crossed off my day’s docket before I had to pick her up to take her home.

About 3 hours later, I received her “take home” call and headed back to Smithton. She offered me lunch at the neighborhood Subway and I took her up on it! We ate and chatted. After we finished our sandwiches, she asked me if I would go with her so she could show me something. And the best part of her request was when she suggested “This can be your ‘first’ for the day, Mary!” I about fell out of the booth! My conservative mother was getting into my “firsts”! Now THAT is a “first”…for her! I jumped at the chance to honor her wishes and to take her wherever she wanted to go!

We made our way to the Smithton cemetery and then to the war memorial that was recently added to honor the veterans from all of America’s wars. We immediately walked over to the World War II plaque and she pointed out my dad’s name, Melvin Becker. She lightly brushed her fingers over the smooth, warmed-by-the-sun letters. I saw the longing look in her eyes that reminded me how much she still missed her husband.

I am so happy and blessed that I was able to share this with Mom that day. And even happier that she wanted to share it with me. I miss you too, Dad…

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Day 75 ~ Communion Reunion

Day 75 ~ Communion Reunion 

Mar 16, 2014   

My first: I attended the Sunday service at the Apostolic Church in Belleville. 

I knew at some point during the course of this year of “firsts”, I was going to attend a service of a new church. And I always had in mind that this church would be THE one because I had met this nice young mother on a camping trip with my kids last year and she had encouraged me to give it a try. 

It was a blustery morning as I made my way from my car to the church. I arrived a little late and made my apologies to the two greeters at the door. I sat about mid-way up the aisle and began to acclimate myself to the nuance of this service. There was a band consisting of a woman on the keyboard, a man on a set of drums and another man playing the guitar...a nice trio! 

I can only assume that because of the nasty weather, the congregation seemed a little sparse. But I have no way of knowing this for sure since I have no previous visit from which to compare. Everyone was singing along with the three cantors in the front from the lyrics posted on the overhead screen. Being raised Catholic, this is something I have only seen in non-Catholic churches. Good idea ‘cause it keeps you looking forward instead of your head down in a book…perhaps even catching a wink or two!  

I peered around the room and discovered my cousin Bonnie and her husband in the front row and her son Nathan sitting more towards the back. I thought that odd that they were not sitting together, but when I witnessed Nathan’s “enthusiasm”, I understood.  

The service continued with the all too familiar requests for money. Unfortunately, this congregation looked like they might lean more towards being on the receiving end of someone’s generosity.  Then the young pastor emitted a spirited sermon with intermittent “amens” and “halleluiahs” interjected from various parishioners.  Songs and exuberance were a big part of this Sunday’s agenda, as I imagine they are every Sunday in this humble little church in Belleville.  

I have to admit I did tear up a few times as I was filled with the purity of heart of these people. There was NO pretense, no fashion statements, no stares of judgment, at least not the negative kind. My cousin was so sweet when she finally saw me. She and I went up to the altar with so many others and prayed…just prayed. The pastor embraced us and gave me a special blessing of welcome and then guidance in my future life’s decisions…very appropriate for me and my new course for this year.



Sunday, March 16, 2014

Day 74 ~ Parade Upgrade

Day 74 ~ Parade Upgrade

Mar 15, 2014

My first: I went to the St. Patrick's Day parade right here in my hometown for the first time.

It was Saturday. And like a new sprout in spring, this amazingly beautiful day appeared out of nowhere to spur anyone to get out there and soak it up. So why not chill out, witness, and “celebrate” St. Patrick’s Day with my hometown’s parade!

I called my friend Carol and, of course, “social Carol” was about to hop on the Camp Ondessonk float. I hightailed on up there to downtown Belleville and caught Carol’s float just in time. I WISH, I WISH I would have asked her if I could jump on there with her to throw beads and greet the enthusiastic crowd, but the old Mare (no grey here!) reared her ugly head and kept her requests to herself.

But it was okay! My neighbor Kathy called out my name and we talked for quite awhile. I proceeded to look for her husband Tony. I used to work with him. I didn’t find him, but I found my childhood friend Cindy and her sister Pam. We chatted and then I moved on to find my friends Mel and Cami after receiving a text from them that they were there. During my trek to catch them, my cousin-in-law Dale yelled out to me and I got to visit with him and his wife Donna, my cousin. They were there with their daughter Debbie and her two daughters. Old home week, for sure!

After the parade I went with Carol to The Abbey, a restaurant/coffee shop in West Belleville to meet her two friends Belinda and Gary. We sat on the outside patio in the sun for over 2 hours visiting, drinking and eating. Well, they did; I just had a latte.  I saw my cousin Marcia who I hadn’t seen in years and talked with her. Also I saw an old “Mothers Club” friend Mary. Of course, we had a lot to share about each other and our children. I met many strangers on that beautiful day. Everyone was so friendly and glad to be out enjoying life!

Then Carol and I went to my house so I could show her my newly-renovated master suite. She loved it. After that, yes there’s more, we went to St. Louis to a young people party, people that were my kids’ ages. What interesting conversations we had! The age difference had no voice in trying to segregate us. It was amazing!

Then Carol and I headed back to Belleville for a Pre-Pub Crawl. We were just a few blocks away when we saw this very inebriated young man. Carol stopped and gave him a ride to his house that was about 5 blocks away. God love her! I told him that an angel just delivered him to his house and her name is Carol.

On to Carol's friends’ house! Pat and his wife welcomed us warmly, as did so many people that were there. Corned beef and cabbage was on the menu, but again interesting interactions were the main course of the evening. I was relishing and embracing it all. Key note here: no alcohol passed my lips…remember my 2014 “on the wagon” pledge!

I will remember this day as a parade upgrade because I got so much more than floats and a neck full of beads. There are good, good people in this world and as the Irish would say, I was lucky to have been around so many of them that day and always.

And let me just say this one more thing…“Social Media” has NOTHING compared to what I experienced on this day. Where’s the “like button” when you need one?

Day 73 ~ I’m Hooked

Day 73 ~ I’m Hooked

Mar 14, 2014

My first: I went to a local parish fish fry to dine with my mom and two of her friends.

It was a Friday morning in Lent and I was on my way to work thinking of what my “first” could be today! I’m not sure what the thought process was that led to my choice, but I quickly decided to ask my mom if I could join her and her friends/cousins, Theresa and Agnes, to go out and eat fish that evening. I right away called Mom and “invited myself” to join her at the fish fry that evening.

We arrived at Cathedral Grade School and had to stand in line to order for about 20 minutes. The place was packed! Then we waited for our food for over an hour! Needless to say, we four girls had plenty of time to socialize.

Now remember one thing…all these gals have over 20 years on me. Oh, and remember one more thing…their lives have been very conservative and conventional.  My life, on the other hand, has been a little off course from most expectations…including my own! Consequently, our conversations were not what I have become used to for the past 25 years. My one goal was to keep it positive. I did kind of screw that up by sharing a “fact” (I heard it on Y98 radio station) that our government still makes pennies at a cost of 1.8 cents each and nickels at a cost of over 9 cents each. What is up with that! It bowled me over. Anyway, I had to share this newfound knowledge with them. Well, Ag immediately started with political negativity about our president. Oh my gosh, what have I started! Frantically, I searched for any tool in my humble brain to shut this “can of worms”. Success! From that moment on, I kept it light and positive.

All in all, I believe that they were glad that I joined them. My presence undoubtedly changed the dynamics of their little group. My only hope is that I left them with a little good stuff about the “now” in their life and that it wasn’t just all in the “good ol’ days”.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Day 72 ~ Cable Girl

Day 72 ~ Cable Girl

Mar 13, 2014

My first: I helped my neighbor to connect her two new digital cable boxes and her new router so her Kindle Fire will charge!

My neighbor asked me a few days earlier if I knew how to hook up cable boxes and modems and routers. I was not jumping at the chance to help her because I doubted my expertise in this arena. We discussed the new digital cable boxes that we had to pick up from the Charter office to maintain our cable service. After our discussion, I asked her if she could let me figure out my cable box situation and then I would come to help get hers connected.

Tonight seemed to be as good a night as any to pick up my new cable box. I talked to the personnel at the Charter office about making the connections so that I would know what to do for my TV and my neighbor’s. I called my neighbor on my way home and said that I was coming over to hook her up because I felt I knew what to do. I connected her two TVs and then she made the call for Charter to activate the boxes. Once I put the batteries in the right way in the remote controls, I got it all working. I also connected her router to her modem so she can use her “new” Kindle Fire that she got over a year ago. I guided her a little about working her Kindle (even though I don’t have one) and finding the different screens to do what she wanted to do.

I left my neighbor’s house after 9:30 and still had to eat supper and hook up the new TV in my master bedroom. Then I had a problem that resulted in no connection. After doing some troubleshooting dealing with this issue, I called Charter.  I found out that they did not have me coded as having two boxes which explained why I could not get a picture. They changed my code which finally got the TV going after 11:30.

Tasks and tenacity…what a pair!  

Day 71 ~ Don’t Burn It, Cross It!

 Day 71 ~ Don’t Burn It, Cross It!

Mar 12, 2014

My first: I walked across the Eads Bridge over the Mississippi River in the wintry cold.

My daughter and my son-in-law walked across the Eads Bridge last Friday night when they were celebrating Ross’ birthday. The beautiful evening and their relaxation mode called to them as they made the trek over the bridge. The next day they had to tell me all about it and suggested that I should do the same thing as one of my “firsts” for the year. I immediately agreed that this was perfect to do.

As I was headed home around 6:00 this evening, I thought “tonight is the night that I cross that bridge”. I went home and got my camera and off I went to the Casino Queen. On the way, I was thinking “Is this crazy or what!” I had so much work to do at home and it was cold and windy. Along the way, I was actually looking for other options to pursue as my "first". A flock of large birds (not sure what they were) flew overhead to encourage me onward to my original goal. I even thought that it might be too dark by the time I found how to get to the bridge's pedestrian walk way.  I made no attempt to phone anyone about where I was going. Will they think I'm crazy? Who cares! This was my little getaway and it was nobody’s business.

I parked my car at the Casino Queen and headed up the stairs to the Metro Link that supposedly led to the ramp that led to the Eads Bridge pedestrian walk way.  I took the wrong set of stairs all the way up so I had to head back down and climb the opposite stairs. Pant, pant. I discovered a ramp so I figured that must be the way. Yeah! I’m there! I got my camera out and starting clicking away. The evening was perfect for photos because of the cloud cover and the sun beginning its journey to the other side of the earth.

I had a hard time taking it all in and believing that I was really doing this…alone. A girl could be murdered, ya know! I did see two guys during my cross over, but they were good guys. I was a picture takin’ fool. The photographer in me was unquestionably along for the walk. The evening was going from dusk to dark as I inched closer to the Missouri side and ultimately to St. Louis' city limits. There was almost too much to take it with the big city in front of me, the new Stan Musial Bridge to the right, the mighty Mississippi to the left and watching out behind me to insure this “first” was not my “last”.

When I finally made it back to where I started, I felt that this was a great thing to do anytime and the pinnacle of my “firsts”…so far.  I would recommend doing this to anyone! Do you want an adventure, a little romance, ponderin’ time alone, exercise with a view, a superb photo shoot, or braggin’ rights just to say you did it.

“I did it!”