Friday, March 28, 2014

Day 81 ~ Skipping Class

Day 81 ~ Skipping Class

Mar 22, 2014

My first: I went to a community education class called Publish Your Manuscript Workshop.

When I got the brochure in the mail from SWIC (Southwestern Illinois College) listing all the community educations classes available, I knew immediately that I would be signing up for one of them as a “first” for the year. I didn’t know which class it would be yet, but I was going to peruse the list and pick one! Easier said than done. I kept the list with me for weeks and still nothing struck me. Then…there it was: Publish Your Manuscript Workshop. I never saw it before in all the times I looked at the brochure. But there it was! I had been contemplating writing a book about my year of “firsts” and now here was my first sign to go with it! Have to look for the signs!

I waited a week to sign up for the Publish Your Manuscript Workshop class because when I called the first time, SWIC was on spring break. So as not to forget, I entered into my phone’s calendar “Call SWIC” on Monday’s date, March 17th. When that day arrived, I called and got myself enrolled in the class. They warned me that if there were not enough people signed up, the class could be cancelled and that they would let me know in the middle of the week if it was a go or not.

They called! The class was on! I asked “where do I go” and the lady on the phone said “:Room 161”. I asked “where is it” and she said “you go to the main entrance”. I said “I didn’t know where the main entrance is”. Then I said “never mind, I’ll figure it out”.  Wrong!

I went to SWIC that Saturday morning and rushed into the building. I had less than 10 minutes to find the room where the class would be held. I was asking all over and no one knew, not even the security people. They finally called one of the coordinators of the community education program and she came to the library where I was to get this straightened out. She had the brochure with her and I pointed right the class that was to be held that morning. Then she pointed to the “RBC” next to the class date and said “this class is at our Red Bud Campus”. Ugh…

Sorry to any and all who are reading this blog. I know it is a long story, but I couldn’t resist sharing all that led up to such a STUPID move on my part. Can you believe that I was in the wrong town! I was embarrassed and exasperated. I could have left to go to the class when I found out where it was, but I would have missed at least 1/3 of the 3 hour class. Nope, I’ll just chalk up this experience as my education for the day.

On a positive note, the lady from the community education department was great. She was very willing to help me in any way to get me the education I was seeking. We had a very nice connection and I think (and hope) she realized that I’m not as stupid as this event may have portrayed me to be. My mission, should I decide to accept, is to never ASSUME…after all, we all know what that means…

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