Sunday, March 30, 2014

Day 89 ~ Life is a Cabaret

Day 89 ~ Life is a Cabaret  

Mar 30, 2014 

My first: I attended my fist cabaret show. 

My friend Rena and I have talked many times about her daughter Liz performing in musical theater productions. She specifically told me about Liz’ solo act, her cabaret performance. It intrigued me so much. Then Liz came over to her mom’s house when I was there and Rena was not. We had an hour-long conversation about her singing, her performances, my “firsts”, my not drinking in 2014 and many other things. She told me more about this cabaret show that she had done and I was disappointed that I had missed it.  

About a month later, while I was at Rena’s, I noticed a pile of cards on her table and read the top one. It was advertising an encore production of Liz’s cabaret show, “back by popular demand” it read. I immediately informed Rena that I was going! Then, being the kind and wonderful soul that she is, Rena said that there would be a ticket waiting at the door for me! What a nice gesture! I was so grateful for her continuing generosity.  

The night that I had been waiting for was here. I asked my friend Maureen to go with me since she had been a theater major in college and I knew she would enjoy it. We arrived and found our places to sit. Then Liz was introduced. Her performance was so intimate and wonderful. Her voice was clear and strong. Her smile and stage presence was captivating. We sat and enjoyed the hour-long show with amazement at her ease of performing. I think she’s done this before! 

Maureen and I discussed the show on our way back to my house. I wondered if I could do what Liz did. Well, I obviously don’t have the voice as anyone will attest who has heard me sing. But I really think I could do something similar, just more on the comedic side. After all, I’ve had a little bit of experience with my “bag lady” gigs that I did in 2003. Something to consider as my new life unfolds each day. Hmmm…I could be onto something here. Sky’s the limit…or is it?


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