Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Day 64 ~ Time to “Dust”

Day 64 ~ Time to “Dust”

Mar 5, 2014

My first: I went to church to receive ashes on Ash Wednesday.

I set my alarm for 5:30 with the intention of getting up and being a part of the Ash Wednesday service at the church that I grew up with, the Cathedral of St. Peter in Belleville, IL.

Just like me, I arrived late because the church’s website said the service began at 6:45, but I found out on this particular day it begins at 6:30. I knew my mom would be there before she started her day of quilting in the rectory basement. I think she was surprised to see me there. Well, I KNOW she was!

Anyway, I did get there just in time to for the bestowing of the ashes on the forehead. The priest said “you are dust and to dust you shall return”. I kept thinking of that term as I sat in my pew watching the other people there receive their ashes. What a downer when you ponder it! So I googled it when I got home.  I found this man’s blog. He is a young man but his explanation is perfect and hopeful. Here is his link if anyone cares to read it: Basically, he summarizes this: So when you hear these words, “you are dust and unto dust you shall return,” it should put you in the spirit of Lent. It should remind us that not only are our bodies dust, but so are all of the things of this world. All of our money, possessions and earthly accomplishments are not important in themselves. They are all fleeting. They are all, ultimately, dust.  Lent is a time to re-evaluate our lives. Yes, we are dust. Now do we spend our lives chasing more dust? Or are we chasing the one thing that can truly make an eternal difference? Are we chasing the one Being who can actually breathe life into dust?  For a people of dust, this is our only hope.
I love this explanation! Now, remember that I am a former student of 12 years of a catholic education. Did I get anything out of that? Thank God for Google! I get it now. Maybe I was too young and preoccupied to really understand all this stuff back in the day.

But now is the time, whatever age we are, to GET it! Ponder it. Delve into it. Do whatever we have to do to keep it in the forefront of our lives. I'll bet sales in anti-depressants will decrease amazingly!

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