My Instead: I stood on a line with my feet heel to toe with eyes closed and held my balance.
We arrived at Annette’s
parent’s home in Butler, safe and sound. Annette and I had an uneventful trip
which is a good thing. Since spending time together is our favorite pastime, we
had no problem traveling for over five hours in the cab of her truck. When I
finally got to meet Annette’s parents, I found them to be absolutely wonderful
and friendly people. They treated me almost like their own daughter which made
me feel even more at home than I did already.
Later in the evening while
the four of us were talking in the kitchen, we somehow got on the topic of what
Annette’s mom does in her exercise class. One of the things is to stand in a
straight line with her one foot right in front of the other, heel to toe. Then
she's supposed to close her eyes and balance herself as best she can. Smugly
I thought, “Well, that doesn’t look too difficult”. Annette’s mom is pretty fit
for her age or even for someone 20 years younger, but she assured me that it wasn’t
as easy as it looked. We had good conversation and a few laughs about the
exercise. It was another good icebreaker for the stranger in the group, me.
We all eventually took a
break and I quickly asked Annette to join me on the driveway to give this
little balancing act a shot. She had my phone camera ready as I got situated on
one of the driveway’s expansion joints. This will be a breeze! Not so fast,
Missy. There I went, falling to the wayside as I tried to balance myself on the
line with my eyes shut. Annette was getting tickled watching me fail time after
time. (Now, remember, I still have not had any alcohol this year.) I finally
gripped really hard with my toes and then I relaxed and breathed. I discovered
that my Lamaze breathing wasn’t just for childbirth! It came in pretty handy to
calm myself and remain steady and balanced on that line. I don’t think I broke
any records, time wise, standing there balanced, but I did prove to myself (and
Annette) that the ol’ equilibrium is still intact…for now.
Maybe I’ll try this at a
party some time. I’ll have to remember to clear away anything breakable.
What can I say that I
haven’t said already this year…another fun time doing such a simple thing! Now
if I can only get good at balancing all the other stuff in my life!