Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Day 263 ~ Maintaining Balance

September 20, 2014

My Instead: I stood on a line with my feet heel to toe with eyes closed and held my balance.

We arrived at Annette’s parent’s home in Butler, safe and sound. Annette and I had an uneventful trip which is a good thing. Since spending time together is our favorite pastime, we had no problem traveling for over five hours in the cab of her truck. When I finally got to meet Annette’s parents, I found them to be absolutely wonderful and friendly people. They treated me almost like their own daughter which made me feel even more at home than I did already.
Later in the evening while the four of us were talking in the kitchen, we somehow got on the topic of what Annette’s mom does in her exercise class. One of the things is to stand in a straight line with her one foot right in front of the other, heel to toe. Then she's supposed to close her eyes and balance herself as best she can. Smugly I thought, “Well, that doesn’t look too difficult”. Annette’s mom is pretty fit for her age or even for someone 20 years younger, but she assured me that it wasn’t as easy as it looked. We had good conversation and a few laughs about the exercise. It was another good icebreaker for the stranger in the group, me.
We all eventually took a break and I quickly asked Annette to join me on the driveway to give this little balancing act a shot. She had my phone camera ready as I got situated on one of the driveway’s expansion joints. This will be a breeze! Not so fast, Missy. There I went, falling to the wayside as I tried to balance myself on the line with my eyes shut. Annette was getting tickled watching me fail time after time. (Now, remember, I still have not had any alcohol this year.) I finally gripped really hard with my toes and then I relaxed and breathed. I discovered that my Lamaze breathing wasn’t just for childbirth! It came in pretty handy to calm myself and remain steady and balanced on that line. I don’t think I broke any records, time wise, standing there balanced, but I did prove to myself (and Annette) that the ol’ equilibrium is still intact…for now.
Maybe I’ll try this at a party some time. I’ll have to remember to clear away anything breakable.
What can I say that I haven’t said already this year…another fun time doing such a simple thing! Now if I can only get good at balancing all the other stuff in my life!


Day 262 ~ Just Use Your Head!

September 19, 2014

My Instead: I learned to do a headstand.

My girlfriend Annette and I had a long weekend ahead. We were going to visit her parents in the west end of Missouri…it would be my first time meeting the folks! When I arrived at her house Friday evening, we worked out the details of our departure for the next morning. We also enjoyed some delicious cheesy chicken enchilada soup Annette had prepared for our supper. After we were fed and the dishes were done, I told her that I still had to do my “instead” for the day. I went on to say that I wanted to “try” to do a headstand. Having done this before herself years ago in college, she was all excited and ready to show me how (without my breaking any "necessary" bones).
We decided to go upstairs where there was more of a soft landing (carpet). Annette laid a folded blanket on the floor where I would “stand my head”. I had originally thought that I could do this at home alone and just prop myself up against a wall. Not so much. As she performed the feat herself, Annette doled out step by step instructions on how to orchestrate this maneuver. My turn. After several collapses and lots of laughs, I leaned over, propped my knees onto my elbows, and hoisted myself up with a little help from my girlfriend. And then I stood on my head for, let’s say, three seconds. Okay, maybe two…but I did it!
This adventure was such a surprise to me because I never imagined it to be so much fun! But Annette and I can have so many laughs doing the silliest things. That is part of what makes us work. Maybe if other couples would venture out and do some unconventional activities, they might do better too. Just a thought.
This is what I figure…Annette and I will continue because Annette and I will continue...

Monday, September 29, 2014

Day 261 ~ Chronologically Speaking

September 18, 2014

My Instead: Abbey and I got her mom a birthday balloon, then we went to Tyler's and my mountain, and then I took Abbey to her Girl Scout meeting.

Abbey’s mom had a birthday coming up the next day. The wonderful thing about raising (or helping to raise) a child is grabbing the opportunities to teach them something good in a fun way. So what kid does not like balloons? While I was at the dollar store, I saw some happy birthday Mylar balloons all blown up and ready to go! Remembering that my daughter-in-law Shaundra had a birthday the next day, I bought one. I was about to pick up Abbey from school and knew she would enjoy giving this to her mom. And she did. Her mom was so surprised and happy too!
Later on the way back to my house, we drove by the “mountain” on which my grandson Tyler and I have spent lots of time and have had our share of fun. Abbey needed to experience this too, I thought. I slowed my car down and made the turn into the drive leading to the hill. Abbey and I had to trek the rest of the way through thickets of weeds and soy bean plants…we made it. She was excited about my sharing something with her that only Tyler and I had done before.  I had forgotten how big it was compared to what it looks like from the road. And to Abbey, it was Everest!
Then it was time for Abbey’s Girl Scout meeting. I hadn’t been to one of those in well over 50 years. But I offered to take her so that Shaundra could do some taxiing on the “other side of the world”. (I thought my life was busy, but Shaundra has me beat by far!) Abbey had so much fun at her little meeting. Four other girls (friends from her former school) wanted to be her partner when they had to pair off for their scavenger hunt. Wow! Is my granddaughter popular or what! She’s a sweetie though and the kids are just drawn to her. I loved seeing her enjoy all this friendship and busyness. I did have the feeling though that I'm glad I am done with child rearing. I guess I could do it again if I had too, but it would be so different in this day and age...lots of changes from generation to generation. I try to keep up, but whooh!
And this was the chronology of my late afternoon and evening. What a day! How many blessings can one woman take! And they all came my way because I said yes!
Birthday balloon for Mom
Queen of the "mountain"
Abbey and Grandma on the "mountain"
Abbey running down the "mountain" and across the field to pick a flower
Abbey's Girl Scout meeting - Getting ready for their scavenger hunt

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Day 260 ~ Take Five

September 17, 2014

My Instead: While cleaning at a client’s house, I stopped to take a break.

Almost 3 ½ years ago I starting working for Jo. Every 3 weeks when I go over to clean her home, we have nice, casual conversation. Sometimes she has to leave to go to a Red Hat get together or a luncheon with her former co-workers.
On this particular Wednesday, Jo wasn’t there at all. She got up bright and early to go on a PSOP bus tour to St. Louis. I was “home alone”. No matter. I got busy with the task at hand. We have an agreed-upon fee that I charge to do her house, no matter how long it takes me. She loves my work because my quality is consistent. Add in trust and voilĂ ! You have an unbreakable pact!  

Anyway, I was about 2 hours into the job and felt an uncontrollable urge to take a moment just for me. I put my rag and my Windex bottle down, pulled up two chairs (one for me and one for my footrest), and sat a spell by the window…no distractions. I pondered about my moment, my day, my year, and all the good things in my life. Love and appreciation were the common threads running through all my reflections.  

Later, I thought how funny it is that I can work alone all day and think about stuff that either makes no sense or makes perfect sense. But when I sat looking out that kitchen window, my mind was simply open to love which poured into my heart. The rest of my day was magical. 
I’d better do this more often.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Day 259 ~ All Choked Up

September 16, 2014

My Instead: I gave my client’s pug his pill for epilepsy.

One of my favorite client’s called me earlier in the day to ask if I could go over to her house around 7 o’clock to give her pug Walter his epilepsy medication. She lives in Belleville’s east end which was where I would be working, so stopping by to do this would be no problem for me. I wasn’t sure what Walter would think.
It worked out that I could get there at 5 o’clock, so my client and I agreed that I could put in a couple of hours cleaning out her flower beds. I had already done a half-day in her yard the week prior. Anytime I have an opening to do a job outdoors, I’m on it! As soon as I arrived there, I got busy with the yard. The weather continued to spoil me by providing another evening of low humidity and temperatures. When I finished the beds in the front, I navigated to the back yard where I continued to weed and trim.
As 7 o’clock drew near, my original purpose for being there was getting close too. Earlier in our phone conversation, my client had suggested several tricks to get Walter to take his pill. The one I chose was to tease Walter with the meat of a McDonald’s hamburger, then wrap the pill up in part of the bun and slip it to him. I stepped out of the kitchen to watch him chow down on the burger meat. When it was actual pill time, I got brave and let him take the bun-wrapped pill right out of my hand…like feeding candy to a baby.
As I headed back out to do the last bit of yard work before dark, I gazed around the kitchen floor to make sure Walter’s pill was not hidden in the shadows. I think it was safe to say he took it! Success! 
My experience of giving a dog medication was zero until Walter. I had a dog Alex for 12 years who never was sick, so this was a first for me. I don’t think vet school is in my future, but this I could do again…at least for Walter. Heck, you never know…maybe someday they’ll have to wrap up my pill in a McDonald’s hamburger bun to choke it down me!

Day 258 ~ Top of the World

September 15, 2014

My Instead: I lay down on Annette's lawn after working in her yard all day.

It was a Monday and I took off work…or so I thought. A day off at Annette’s only happens at the end of the day…when the power washer is off, the weed eater is off and the lawnmower is off. And, no, she is not the slave driver…I am.
Annette and I had a very productive day weed eating, mowing and mulching. Her little place out in the country was starting to resemble a well-groomed park. As we looked around, how could we not feel proud of us! She went inside to tend to the dogs. I had my own agenda to tend to.
As dusk settled in around me, I took a moment to feel its embrace. I stopped. I lay down in the middle of Annette’s back yard. The only thing that was moving was the earth revolving beneath me. I listened to the melody that the crickets were playing. Unlike the mower, the power washer and the weed eater, my mind could not be shut off. My thoughts were going “zoom-zoom”, but my body took a break. Then my mind began to “chill”. I couldn’t even imagine different shapes forming from the clouds like I did as a kid. This was my version of peace.
I remembered when I would have that “obligatory” beer after doing yard work all day. Today I just chose to be on top of the world.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Day 257 ~ Ridin’ on Rails

September 14, 2014

My Instead: My girlfriend Annette and I took turns riding on the running board of her truck.

Our Sunday started out slow for Annette and me. Always coffee in the sunroom and fun conversation for breakfast. Later we tackled some chores in her yard which had become my passion. In the early evening, we paid a visit to her neighbor Mary to help get her stuck lawnmower unstuck. While in this part of the countryside, I discovered some great subjects for my photographer’s eye. I was in 7th heaven taking shot after shot.
When we were ready to leave, Mary asked us if we would take two old tires back to her lake so they could help prevent erosion. As Annette and I were driving through Mary’s field back to the driveway from the lake, I said “Stop”.  She immediately figured I had something going on in this overactive brain of mine...time for my “instead” of the day. I got out of the truck, stepped onto the runner, grabbed the top of the seatbelt with my left hand and the “oh sh*t” bar with my right. After taking my picture, Annette knew what her role was next. She got back behind the wheel and gave me my runner ride through the field, down Mary’s driveway, and right onto the country road. There were some young people on the side of the road watching and I yelled playfully “Do not try this at home!” The youngster of the group laughed and yelled back “I’ve done that already!” We both laughed.
Then it was Annette’s turn. I got behind the wheel and she traded positions with me on the runner. God love her…Annette is no resident of the “wild side” and was already doling out speed limit instructions to her pilot. I made one sharp turn like we were “ridin’ on rails”…or so Annette thought. She was holding on for dear life, as instructed by me! We were safe (for the most part) and it was a fun and freeing adventure…simple.
Why should kids have all the fun?


Thursday, September 25, 2014

Day 256 ~ Coffee To Go

September 13, 2014

My Instead: I spent an entire morning in a Farmington coffee shop, Bauhaus Kaffee.

Farmington, Missouri seems to be my second home these days since Annette and I have been together. But that’s okay because I love spending time with her. She had to work Saturday morning and part of the afternoon, so I asked her if there was a coffee shop that I could visit while she was working. I really needed to catch up on some blogs and, unfortunately, Annette’s house doesn’t have much of an internet signal. I do much better blogging with the internet at my beck and call. She knew just the place to take her starving-author girlfriend.
We got on Highway 32 going west to Farmington. She led the way to a coffee shop called Bauhaus Kaffee. Instead of her just dropping me off, I drove my car so that I would have it in case I wanted to go back to the house. That didn’t happen. I spent the entire time that Annette was at work in that coffee shop. The owner was probably beginning to wonder if I was homeless. Heck, I was beginning to wonder it too!
During my stint in the shop, I enjoyed a cranberry nut muffin and a cappuccino, read a few magazines, Facebooked (of course), people watched, and, oh yes, I wrote a blog. It was kind of okay to while away several hours without having to do something or go somewhere. Admittedly though, I felt a bit lonely and antsy by the 4th hour. I was ready for some company and the Bauhaus patrons were not cutting it. When Annette walked in, it felt so wonderful to see a friendly, familiar face. I was ready to go.
It’s weird how I spend so many hours alone at home, but this felt foreign to me. Was it the strange place and people that made it so?  Or was it because I wasn’t sick or injured and it’s difficult for me to laze around so long. Or was it a combination of both?
Maybe when I’m 80, I’ll try this again. But for now…I’ll take my coffee to go!

Day 255 ~ Still in the Closet

September 12, 2014

My Instead: Instead of continuing to varnish when my daughter-in-law brought the kids by the house, I hid in the closet to scare them.

It was yet another day of working at my son’s house under construction. I had finished with the painting of the trim and the interior doors. Now I was varnishing the huge book shelves that my son Kyle built. I had done this job at his previous house so the task was second nature to me.
My daughter-in-law Shaundra texted me that she would be coming to the house after my granddaughter Abbey got off school. While looking forward to seeing the kids, I continued with my work. Then it dawned on me! Never the dull grandma, I thought…hmmm. I think I’ll play a trick on Abbey and little 2-year-old Andy…I’ll hide from them. I immediately texted Shaundra and informed her of my ploy AND my hiding spot.
When I heard their car pull up, I hightailed it to the closet in Abbey’s soon-to-be bedroom. I slipped into the inside corner of my hiding place and waited. I heard the kids and their mom come in talking and laughing as usual. Shaundra steered them into Abbey’s room as I stood there lurking, waiting to surprise them. Abbey opened the closet door at her mom’s suggestion as I jumped out and yelled “Boo!” Abbey screamed in shock and then started laughing. Shaundra said that she was scared too and she even knew what was coming. Andy was just standing there giggling at his silly grandma.
The four of us had a good time talking and laughing about my playful prank. It was a fun start to our after-school afternoon. As I continued with my work, I felt a bit more joy with every stroke of the brush. I wonder why…

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Day 254 ~ American to American

September 11, 2014

My Instead: I handed a small American flag to a man walking his dog and simply said "Remember 9/11".

What a day this was thirteen years ago…9-11. The day the earth stood still. I remember all-to-well, as most of us do that were there to witness this atrocity on our TV screens. It hit me hard because my daughter Robin and I had just been to New York City the Saturday before that fateful Tuesday in 2001. As a matter of fact, I still had film in my camera to be developed containing majestic photos of the Twin Towers taken from the tour boat.
My brother Dale has a birthday on this day and that is usually a nice distraction from the horrific memory that tends to seep in every year on September 11th. I gave my brother a call and our conversation was enjoyable as usual. He was in a good mood and looking forward to spending the evening with his entire family for dinner at his daughter Christine’s house. I was happy for him and his wonderful life.
Earlier I had picked up four 99 cent American flags, not really knowing what I was going to do with them. Then I thought about handing them out to whomever and saying “Remember 9-11”. I was in the store parking lot and no opportunity arose to do so. I thought about handing one to the people in the car next to me at a stoplight…didn’t feel right. Then I pulled onto the street before my subdivision to go home a different way and I spotted this 40-something man walking his dog. I pulled over and handed him one of the small flags. He looked at me and said thank you with his voice and with his eyes. I finally uttered “Remember 9-11”. He said thank you again and slowly returned to walking his dog.
An American tragedy witnessed then...remembered and shared now.

Day 253 ~ Where Was I Going With This?

September 10, 2014

My Instead: Annette and I visited my previous house on John Henry Street to investigate it at night.

To my surprise, Annette showed up at my door on a Wednesday night! She did not want to wait until the weekend to see me. And I was glad to see her, but I knew that my evening still had several things on its agenda. I was at my sink cleaning out paint brushes and still had my “instead” to do and a blog to write. I would forego writing the blog, but it’s a must to do my “thing” every day. We sat at the kitchen table a bit while I wrote up a few things to keep me on track with my yearlong challenge of “insteads” and blogging.
Then, not knowing quite what I had in mind myself, I said “Let’s go!” I felt like Annette thought I was leading her to a firing squad because she had no idea what or where I was making her drive. We navigated to the back of my subdivision and onto John Henry, the street where I lived when I was married over 23 years ago. She was following my directions very well, but was getting more apprehensive with each trip around the block. It was after 10 o’clock and anyone lurking about at that hour in my subdivision is up to no good. Really? 
I asked her to park on Cross Street along the side yard of my previous “married” house. All of a sudden, we both noticed this bush overhanging the front of her truck. We burst into laughter (you know…LOL). As I started to open the door (still not knowing what I was going to do), Annette’s nervousness took a turn for the worse. I quickly shut the door and we discussed my "intentions". She talked me out of doing anything else that might lead to suspicion and we settled on moving to the front of my old house and taking a photo of it at night. The lights inside had gone out (sometime during our procrastination), just as my previous life had extinguished long ago.
Annette and I drove slowly back to my current house. I felt very strange. I know the events of my year have been a bit strange at times, but I never wanted to feel a fool. And tonight I did…in Annette’s eyes I thought. When we settled in, I said I had to talk about tonight’s outcome. I explained about the course my life had taken this year and she had understood it for the most part. But tonight was unnerving for her. She is pretty conservative and “trouble” is NOT her middle name. She listened and listened…explained and explained. I reciprocated.
I am not sure what happened out there on John Henry, but Annette and I found another opportunity to learn about each other and to grow even closer. So, you know what? This “instead” was one of the best and I had no idea where I was going with this!

Day 252 ~ Curbside Service

September 9, 2014

My Instead: I washed my mom's car at the spur of the moment while visiting with Andy.

It was Tuesday again and my turn to watch my grandson Andy. He and I decided to pay my mom a visit so he could start to warm up to her a little better as he gets older. He’s becoming much more sociable with Mom as the Tuesdays go by.
Mom had to pick up some friends the next morning, so she wanted to vacuum the inside of her car. My mom is never behind the 8-ball. When something needs to be done, she is on it 100% now! With her little shop-vac in hand, she headed for the garage. What kind of a daughter would I be if I would let my 86-year-old mother work while I sat and visited? I grabbed it from her and continued the trek to the garage. When that chore was done, I noticed that the outside of her car was quite dingy.
According to Mom, her car had not been washed in three years…the last time I did it! (She really needs to get out more.) The car was dingy, but it really didn’t look like it had been that long between washings. Even though Andy and I could have done twenty other things with our day, he and I loaded up Mom in the car and headed to the manual car wash. I got busy on the outside spraying and scrubbing. Andy loved when I sprayed the windows and Mom sat there feeling better and better about getting this job done. She did not expect this curbside service!
When the three of us got back to her house, Andy and I gave her car a good wipe-down. Mom was thrilled with the job and couldn’t wait to show off her car to the girls the next day.
Seeing my mom so happy from such a simple act warmed my heart. Acts of service win out every time!

Day 251 ~ Fountain Folly

September 8, 2014

My Instead: I got up close and personal with the Belleville Memorial Fountain.

Annette’s weekend visit trickled into Monday, even though I had to work a large part of the day. She kept herself busy and even paid my mom a visit to help her with some chores. When I finally made it home in the afternoon, she made me dinner. Later it was time to do my “instead”. I suggested that we try an up close and personal stopover at the fountain on the Belleville Public Square. Back on August 13th, my intentions to do this very thing were thwarted because the fountain was shut off. Tonight the water was flowing and we were ready for this stealthy challenge.
We waited until dark when the lighting adds even more beauty to the fountain and also because there would be less traffic and commotion. The evening was exhilarating and as soon as no cars were in sight, we scampered across the circle drive to the memorial fountain. Acting like a couple of school kids not wanting to get caught in the act, we took shot after shot of the different colors and varying waterworks. I even sat and dangled my feet in the water just to say I did!
As we finished our little escapade, Annette noticed a police officer park his squad car close to one of the outer quadrants of the square. Uh-oh. The officer walked towards us. Right as I told him that we were done, he stated that we were not allowed up there. He asked where we parked and we pointed towards East Main Street. He mumbled something about making sure we didn’t get hit as we rushed to the curb of the opposite quadrant. We thanked him as we made our getaway. What a rush! We did it and didn’t even get arrested! Annette was shaken up more than I was because I’ve become accustomed to trespassing and performing questionable feats such as this.
It only took me 62 years to meet my hometown fountain face to face, but it was worth the wait.


Day 250 ~ Soccer Aunt

September 7, 2014

My Instead: After watching my nephew’s soccer game, my sister, my girlfriend and my nephews played a little informal soccer.

Around 1 o’clock in the afternoon, my sister Karen and her son Connor surprised Annette and me with an impromptu visit after Connor’s soccer game. Karen rarely pops in like that, largely because her schedule is jammed packed. She’s busy raising two sons and managing three Cold Stone Creameries, along with wedding and private party catering and numerous field trips. Because she is one busy lady, our visits are usually by phone.
This particular Sunday was an exceptionally beautiful sun day, so Karen invited us to join her to watch Aidan’s soccer game at 4 o’clock. Aidan is Karen’s second son and is 5 years old. Annette and I didn’t have anything really planned so we said “sounds great!” I called Mom and asked her to join us as well and she was all-in for the event.
Mom, Annette, and I arrived at the soccer field and got our chairs set up. We were ready and comfortable for the game to begin. And what a game it was! I appreciated how the coaches were teaching and treating the boys (and one girl). It was a positive experience for both teams and I loved witnessing the true sportsmanship.
When the game was over and snacks were handed out, it was our turn. Annette and Karen and I were ready and willing to kick the ball around and get our blood flowing. Connor and Aidan still had some energy left too. We set up “teams” and let the game begin!
We adult-folk reverted back to our childhoods and laughed more than the boys did. Trying not to break a hip, I moved gingerly back and forth on the soccer field. During my many attempts kicking it, the ball continually proved to have a mind of its own. Had I worn tennis shoes for this unexpected sporting event, maybe I could have outsmarted the ball! Nevertheless, we had so much fun and the boys loved having us “old” ladies play WITH them…instead of just watching.
The next day my joints ached a little, but my spirit felt younger than ever!


Day 249 ~ Shall We Dance?

September 6, 2014

My Instead: I slow danced with my girlfriend Annette in public for the first time.

Another Saturday and there I was working again…painting at my son’s new house. Will I ever be done with this job? At least I had something to look forward to that evening. There was a women’s dance at The Back Door in St. Louis on St. Charles Rock Road and Annette and I were going to be there! The venue was a bit farther out than what I usually travel in St. Louis, but it always turns out to be a fun night with our favorite DJ, Tony. And tonight was the first time that Annette and I would slow dance in public at one of these women’s dances. We were both looking forward to a little PDA (Public Display of Affection) for our friends to witness. After all, our relationship was new and strong, so we wanted to share our happiness with those who would be happy for us.
Tony, the DJ, was playing a lot of fast dance tunes and Annette and I did not hesitate to move to the music. We both love to dance…but we were especially excited about sharing our first slow dance. The evening was hustling right along and our slow dance was waiting patiently in the future. Our friends kept pulling us away to talk and we found ourselves in opposite corners peeking at each other over various shoulders.
The speakers were vibrating with one fast dance after another. Finally, I gave in and went to Tony to request a slow song. He already had two coming up shortly and a third one in the line-up a few songs later. At last, a “belly rubber” was in the air. Annette and I caught each other’s eye and drifted out to the dance floor. Neither she nor I remembers the song that played. We were just happy to be holding each other and expressing (to anyone who cared) our joy of being together.
The funny thing is…it really didn’t matter if anyone was there.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Day 248 ~ Full Throttle Torrent

September 5, 2014

My Instead: After spending the afternoon at Abbey's school for Grandparents’ Day, I mowed my lawn in a thunder and lightning storm.

My granddaughter Abbey had Grandparents’ Day at her new school and I was not going to miss it. I had to work in the morning, then get ready and rush to Abbey’s school for her to show off her three grandmas. We had a totally delightful time having cookies and lemonade and then venturing over to Abbey’s classroom to watch her make a butterfly out of “hand” cut-outs. She finally relented and agreed to have her picture taken with her grandmas. We were all as proud of her as she was of us!
Then I was off to my son’s house to paint for a while. When I got to a cut-off point, I went home and realized I still had enough daylight to mow my lawn (my mower does have headlights, though, just in case). But daylight's end was clearly not the demon here. The clouds were rolling in at an ominous pace, to say the least. Knowing that I would have to get this job done in record time, I hopped on my riding lawn mower and started cutting my front yard. I usually use my push mower for that, but there was no time to dilly-dally.
When I got to the back yard, the lightning was so frequent, it looked like paparazzi with their camera flashes in full force. Undaunted by the display, I kept mowing, more determined than ever to finish what I started. Admittedly, it was somewhat scary, but exciting as well. I couldn’t think of a better way for Mary Schaefer to meet her maker than ending it all while mowing my lawn. Can you? I kept mowing.
The wind joined the show…I became even more enthralled and more determined to finish. I kept mowing. I felt some sprinkles and hoped that the deluge would wait patiently, but it didn’t. The torrent greeted me at full throttle. I kept mowing. I knew I could finish. I knew it. Then I ran out of gas. The lightning surrounded me like rapid gunfire. I ran to my garage, retrieved the gas can, ran to the back yard, and filled her up. I kept mowing.
After that brave (crazy) performance, my lawn was mowed and the job was done. I stopped mowing. Then I went inside…exhilarated…and still alive.


Saturday, September 20, 2014

Day 247 ~ Walking on Air

September 4, 2014

My Instead: I wore my gift of memory foam slippers out of Applebee’s restaurant.

Over two months ago, I turned 62 years old. It was a good June 26th birthday and now I am in my 63rd year and growing stronger than ever.
Earlier on this day in September, however, my daughter Robin called and reminded me that she had not taken me out for my birthday yet. “How about tonight?” she suggested. Even though I had figured on working that evening just to catch up on some jobs, I said yes. Family first.
I met Robin, my grandson Tyler and our newest addition to our family, Danny, at Applebee’s restaurant. We had such a great time together…the energy was so positive. The conversation and laughter never stopped. What joys and blessings in my life! Appreciated.
After our bellies were filled and brimming, Robin handed me a gift bag. Inside was a pair of comfortable memory foam slippers. She knows my feet get a workout every day, so what a perfect gift for her tired, but not-so-old mom. I loved ‘em…enough to try them on right there in the restaurant! But enough to wear them as I walked out of the restaurant? Why not?
In the past, I would have never done this. Was this a life changing event? No. Was it in sync with my 2014 year of “insteads”? Yes. Did it bring more joy to my life?  Simply yes. No objections.