My Instead: While cleaning at a client’s house, I stopped to take a break.
Almost 3 ½ years ago I starting working for Jo. Every 3 weeks when
I go over to clean her home, we have nice, casual conversation. Sometimes she has to leave to go to a Red Hat get
together or a luncheon with her former co-workers.
On this particular
Wednesday, Jo wasn’t there at all. She got up bright and early to go on a PSOP
bus tour to St. Louis. I was “home alone”. No matter. I got busy with the task
at hand. We have an agreed-upon fee that I charge to do her house, no matter how long it takes me. She loves my work because my quality is consistent. Add in trust and voilà! You have an unbreakable pact!
Anyway, I was about 2 hours into the job and felt an uncontrollable urge to take a
moment just for me. I put my rag and my Windex bottle down, pulled up two
chairs (one for me and one for my footrest), and sat a spell by the window…no
distractions. I pondered about my moment, my day, my year, and all the good things in my
life. Love and appreciation were the common threads running through all my reflections.
Later, I thought how funny it is that I can work alone all
day and think about stuff that either makes no sense or makes
perfect sense. But when I sat looking out that kitchen window, my mind
was simply open to love which poured into my heart. The rest of my day was magical.
I’d better do this more often.
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