Saturday, September 20, 2014

Day 246 ~ Do You Have the Time?

September 3, 2014

My Instead: My granddaughter Abbey and I prepared and buried a time capsule.

Way back in April, the 18th to be exact, my grandson Tyler and I prepared a time capsule and then buried it in a wooded area back in my subdivision. We did a special surveillance to remember the exact spot where we had planted it. It was a fun and memorable time…forever captured! Now it was my granddaughter Abbey’s turn!
On this particular day after painting at my son’s house, I suggested to Abbey that we have a girls’ night that evening. On our drive back to my house, I asked Abbey if she would want to prepare a time capsule and bury it, just like Tyler and I had done in April. Abbey, being the adventurous gal that she is, was up for the challenge! When we got home, we got busy. We had a lot on our agenda and only a couple of hours before her mom would come to pick her up. We scrambled for paper to write up a little something about our lives currently, then we rummaged around for a photo on my computer to quickly print out on my printer. We found a trinket to add to the treasure and then sealed everything into a zip-lock plastic bag. We put the baggie into a plastic jar and wrote the date on the lid. We were ready to plant!
We drove to the area where Tyler and I had visited over four months earlier. With flashlights, a shovel and our precious time capsule in hand, we walked across the unmown lot to the woods below. I was determined to bury this in the same area where Tyler and I had buried ours…that way I would not have to remember two different places in my old(er) age. To my disbelief and dismay, we discovered that the wooded “burial ground” had been bulldozed and cleared out. It did not even look recognizable from what I remembered last April. Abbey and I surveyed the area and could not find the “heart stone” that Tyler and I used to mark our spot. Now what?
I was not going to make the same mistake twice. Abbey and I grabbed our stuff and headed back to my house. We hustled into my back yard and did the deed. Right when Abbey’s mom arrived and was calling out her name, I was patting down the “grave” with my shovel. We did it!
Abbey and I had prepared and planted our time capsule in record time. Will she remember that night with her grandma? Will her grandma remember that night? Is our bond a little bit stronger? Well, I’m guessing that whatever came of that night is all good…so that’s all that really matters, right?


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