Monday, June 9, 2014

Day 157 ~ Summer Sippin’

June 6, 2014      

My instead: I went to St. Louis Uncorked, a music and wine festival to "get the first sip of the summer" and I'm a 2014 non-drinker.

My sister-in-law Linda messaged me on Facebook asking me if I would like to meet her and my twin brother Mark at St. Louis Uncorked, The First Sip of Summer. Okay, so here I am a non-drinker in 2014 going to an alcohol tasting event. Is that like a surfer dude going to the Mojave Dessert to ride the dunes?  I guess this is my chance to be the sensible, sober one “instead” of the buzzed buffoon.  

I met Mark and Linda at the entrance as they were finishing up their “local eats”. I was late. Oh well, I didn’t need to eat anyway…I had had enough “treats” with my grandchildren earlier in the day. The three of us sauntered around checking out the various tents in search of a special non-alcoholic beverage for me (other than soda or water). Talk about a challenge! One of the vendors even chuckled at our request saying how hopeless it was since we were at an alcohol tasting event. As luck would have it (and I never thought I would consider this lucky), I found a club soda to wet my wandering whistle.  

Later in the evening, we ran into my buddy Steve. He and his friends were enjoying themselves just fine. Booze and cigarettes…perfect combination for bringing more joy into your life, right?

I was on the precipice of feeling like a freak and falling fast! Or not. Because contrary to the law of the land (liquor land), I had an enjoyable time engaging in conversation with my bro and his wife. It was good and it was real. I loved it.

A beautiful evening was the best thing on tap and I drank it in.  


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