Sunday, November 2, 2014

Day 290 ~ The Real Meal Deal

October 17, 2014

My Instead: I participated in a Freezer Meal Workshop hosted by my daughter-in-law Shaundra.

About a month ago, my daughter-in-law Shaundra asked if I would attend a Freezer Meal Workshop she would be hosting. Not knowing any of the details, I said “Of course!”  I was gradually informed that I would have to go grocery shopping to prepare for this event. If you know me, you know grocery shopping and I only get together about once a month whether we need to or not...this workshop was beginning to look like work!
When I arrived at Shaundra’s (right on time, I might add), it was like Time Square on New Year’s Eve in her kitchen. Her invitees were bustling, getting their little workspace ready to create their freezer meals. After introductions to the few there I didn’t know and snacking on some goodies, I stood there feeling a bit intimidated. Finally, no longer able to subdue my insecurities, I vehemently asked “Why do you all look like you know what you’re doing?” Everyone busted out laughing. But seeing that I was a “little” unsure of my next move, Shaundra handed me a printout of the instructions that I was supposed to print and peruse before I got there. That probably could have reduced that newbie feeling I was having…like I was the only one in the class who didn’t know the answer.  
With my cheat sheet in hand and my confidence restored, I became my version of Julia Child, adding a little bit of this and a little bit of that to my hungry freezer bags. By the end of the workshop, my cooler was filled with nine bloated bags filled with meats, sauces and spices.
Along with that pinch of concentration, the party was sprinkled with generous portions of laughter and good conversation. And I wouldn’t have wanted to miss a single ingredient!

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