My Instead: I went clothes shopping with my girlfriend Annette for the first time.
It’s been 3 months since Annette and I decided to take it to
another level and see if we can be more than just friends. When two people make
a decision like this, there is a line-up of new experiences that will materialize.
Annette and I are A students in the “learning about each other” department and
in figuring out how to go from single person to being part of a couple.
We’ve already done some shopping together so the learning curve
has begun. We’ve shopped at the grocery store…gotta eat, right? We’ve shopped
at the hardware store…gotta do it ourselves, right? But today, we shopped for
clothes. Annette needed a new pair of jeans (I determined) for the dance next
Saturday. We began our search at JC Penny’s. We were starting to get
discouraged because none of the jeans she tried on were even close to fitting. Finally, we asked for the help of a clerk. She was young and still
in high school, but very mature and interesting for her age. She directed us to
the misses sizes which seemed to work out much better for Annette’s height and
slim figure. She found a pair that fit her better than a glove, so she bought
it and the same pair in a different shade of denim. That’s what I would have
done too
After that shopping success story, we pushed it further and went
shoe shopping. I bought a reasonably priced pair of brown boots and she bought
boots and a pair of tennis shoes. We’re lucky because we are both pretty
sensible when it comes to money and spending it. Of course, the jury is on hold
with reaching an actual verdict of financial compatibility. There are a lot of
particulars to be investigated before that judgment is handed down.
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