Saturday, November 22, 2014

Day 324 ~ The Gift of Giving

November 20, 2014

My Instead: I took a photo collage over to one of my clients as a gift.
For almost three years now, I have been visiting Nadine every four weeks to clean her house and do whatever else she needs done. I have painted her garage and kitchen cabinets and have power washed her concrete pavements. I have detailed her car and shampooed her carpets. And I have had the pleasure of having lunch with her on many of these occasions.
Today I wanted to give back what she has given me…a symbol of our friendship. I chose one of the nicer pieces of my photography that I had on display to sell at the LTDA Holiday Boutique in October. It was a collage of country scenery and flowers. Nadine doesn’t get out much, especially in winter, and she loves flowers. This was perfect for my friend.
As soon as I entered her kitchen, I handed her the framed gift and said that I wanted her to have this…I figured her walls had room for some sunshine. She loved it and began thinking of where to hang it. She spotted the rounded mirror in her kitchen and asked me to take it down and hang her collage there. I immediately granted her wish. Then we enjoyed a cup of coffee and caught up on each other’s lives. As we talked, she offered the displaced mirror to me if I wanted it. I was surprised at her offer and said yes, thinking it might go well in my living room. It was the perfect gift exchange between friends.
Who said Christmas comes but once a year? Its spirit is here now. Like a blind person unable to see the world, but still knows that it exists.
And all WE have to do is open our eyes.


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